I work as a client-facing sales person. I have this client that has been outright rude to me over and over again. It is so draining to be the bigger person. Yes, it’s easier to just tolerate them because you can “never really win” with difficult people but when do we call out bullshit? How do you set boundaries to your clients?

  1. Sometimes I just say smart comments. Smart enough to where I can’t get in trouble for saying it.

    Basically sarcastic comments

  2. As a disabled person, is it okay if you can please give examples of how the client is rude?

    Trying to learn

  3. I like being passive aggressive and sarcastic
    Don’t let these rude people walk all over you at work!
    Kill em with…”kindness”

    Damn bro those shoes on ya feet look fire
    But my shoes cost way more then yours!
    You’ll get there buddy!
    One day…you’ll be fresher then me at work
    But not today or next week!
    And hey! Jesus loves yooh!

  4. Wow, the audacity! How significant to your income is this client? Do you work directly for them or are they assigned to you through a company? Either way you have to have a hard conversation and let them know that respect is a two way street and you expect reciprocity. Your time is just as important as theirs.
    When they cut you off, keep your voice calm and level and say something like, ” As I was saying” to further remind them that they are being rude by interrupting you. If you are assigned to them through a company, have your supervisor listen in on a call. Let them know that you have been patient and accommodating but this client is rude and doesn’t respect boundaries.

  5. I’ve realized that most people feel embarrassed about their poor behavior just by being called out. You don’t have to be witty or have clever comebacks.

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