This could be a typical Portuguese meal:

Soup: Stone Soup

Salad: Codfish Handjob

Main Course: Old clothes

Desert: Sawdust

Do you have stuff like this in your countries?

  1. Wentelteefjes: revolving little bitches
    Blote kindertjes in het gras: Naked little kids in the grass
    Hete bliksem: Hot lightning
    Hemelse modder: Heavenly mud
    Haagse bluf: The Hague bluff
    Patatje oorlog: Fries war
    Kapsalon: Barbershop
    Boerejongens: Farm boys
    Boeremeisjes: Farm girls
    Mollebonen: Mole beans
    Jan in de Zak: John in the bag
    Watergruwel: Water horror

  2. Interesting. Here in the US there’s a tradition of Stone Soup (from children’s stories of a con artist promising a town great soup made from a stone, then saying how much better it would be with an onion, a potato, some carrots, maybe a ham bone, etc. I don’t know that anyone’s actually *made* it.

    I just had for the first time (and learned how to make) ropa vieja , a Puerto Rican (perhaps Cuban also) dish that translates to Old Clothes — it’s based on slow cooked flank steak, shredded (“pulled” in American), onions, tomatoes, red peppers, spices.

    No handjobs or sawdust, though.

    But we do have Funeral Pie, Hushpuppies, Rocky Mountain Oysters, and my personal favorite, “Chili con carne with meat”.

    I’ll be interested to see the European replies.

  3. The weirdest names that come to mind are koldskål (cold-bowl, which is a type of desert), træstamme (tree-trunk, which is a kind of cake), and napoleonshat (Napoleon-hat, again a cake)

  4. Dessert: Ant Nest

    Salad: Fur Coat

    Vegetarian: Little Ears

    Canned food: Marrow’s Roe

  5. Jordgubbar(soil men) – Strawberries



    Kroppkakor(body cakes) – a potato dish

    Janssons Frestelse(the temptation of Jansson) – another potato dish

  6. Katův šleh – executioner’s swing

    Moravský vrabec – Moravian sparrow

    utopenec – drowned man

    svíčková – tenderloin. But the word for it is exactly same as ‘made of candles’

  7. Soup: With mothers and daughters

    Salad: Heathen’s mountain

    Main course: Torn belly, women’s thighs

    Dessert: Women’s bellies, lip of the beauty, finger of the vizier

  8. Armer Ritter – “poor knight”, old bread dipped in egg batter and fried

    Strammer Max -…”tight Max”, bread, ham and a fried egg. Very typical food you may get in a Kneipe

    I’ll add more if I remember lol

    Himmel & Erde – Heaven & Earth

    We also have lots of weird regional drink names.

    Kalte Muschi – cold pussy(-cat). Red wine mixed with cola

    Diesel – beer mixed with cola

    Arbeiter – “worker”. Korn mixed with Fanta

    Charly – cheap brandy mixed with cola

  9. Cheese: *Puzzone di Moena* (Stinker of Moena) and *Bastardo del Grappa* (Bastard of Grappa)

    Type of pasta: *strozzapreti* (priest-choker)

    Charcuterie: >!*Coglioni di mulo* (Mule balls)!< and >!*Palle del nonno* (Grandfather’s balls)!<

    Dessert: >!*Minni di virgini* (sicilian, breasts of virgins)!<

  10. In my city, Nice, we have a kind of chard gnocchi called… merda de can. Yes, it’s “dog shit”.

    Croque-monsieur, the name of a sandwich, means “Mister-biter” or something.

    We have many weird names for food but those two are the first ones to come.

  11. Atascaburras: cloggingdonkeys? potatoes with shredded codfish

    Chochos: p😺ssies. another name for lupins

    Olla podrida: rotten pot. I think it’s cooked differently in each region, but it’s vegetables, pulses and meat

    Ajoatao: tiedgarlic. Garlic paté or paste with potatoes, egg, lemon, oil, etc. which is delicious.

    Patatas a la importancia: potatoes made with importance? It doesn’t even make sense in Spanish

    Duelos y quebrantos: duels and brokenness? Chorizo, bacon, brains and eggs

  12. In Sicilian,we call potato croquettes ‘cazzilli’… which means ‘little penises’.

    The shape fits more or less ok 😉

  13. We also have a dessert that translates to “camel drool”.

    And there’s a drinl you’ll sometimes come across called “shit liquor” (Licor de Merda).

  14. I came across one when I was studying in Leipzig : Tote Oma, translated Dead Granny.

    Essentially a mash of black pudding and live pate, served with potatoes and sauerkraut. Nobody could explain to me where the name came from. It looks rather like it sounds, but tastes ok.

  15. The UK has a fair amount of odd sounding food e.g.

    * Bangers and mash
    * Toad in the hole
    * Eton mess
    * Spotted dick
    * Arctic roll
    * Pork scratchings
    * Bubble and squeak
    * Jam roly poly
    * Fool
    * Pigs in blankets
    * Rumbledethumps

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