I had it out with a close friend earlier this month where I called him out for being a shit friend for the first half of our friendship and it was a long time coming. I don’t know how we come back from that. So I’m wondering what’s the worst a friend has done, how’d you react, and what was the end result?

  1. Had a friend I met when I was three. He was my absolute best friend in the world until he was the guy my gf cheated on me with when we were 25 or so. Really messed me up.

    He apologized and said it was a mistake. I dumped her, then told everyone what they did. Told her parents before she got home after dumping her, told his girlfriend what happened and she dumped him. Told his brother as well. My ex-gf told me I was being an asshole and my ex friend told me he’d kick my ass for telling people what a scum bag he was.

    I saw him out one night about four months after everything happened. Asked him if he wanted to kick my ass still and dude tucked his tail and ran away. That was the last time I spoke to him. Flash forward 15 years and they’re married. I saw him last summer at a fair and barely recognized him. He’s easily 300 lbs, has no hair, and looks like he drinks too much. It made me happier than it should have.

  2. My close friend betrayed my trust by spreading rumors about me. I confronted them calmly and ended the friendship.

  3. Confided in him about stuff in my relationship…when me and my ex were going through a break…HE TELLS HER EVERYTHING and tells her “don’t tell (my name)” and she didn’t until she finally did after we spoke about everything.

    I couldn’t muster the words to speak to him and just blocked him on everything, banned him out of my discord and just was done.

  4. When I was in high school I found out one of my close friends got with my ex girlfriend about a week after we broke up – and that it actually started while we were still together.

    How did I react? Terribly. I’d never hated two people like I did them. In hindsight, I took it too far. I kept hoping there was a level of angry I could be, something nasty enough I could say, even a way to hurt myself that would make them hurt the way I did. There wasn’t. The universe is not just in that way. They “got away with it” in my mind, and that was as bad as anything.

    Then again, there wasn’t much to get away with. It was silly kids stuff that I thought was the most important thing ever. Frankly we all made mistakes, we all hurt each other and took it too far. Lessons learned though. Don’t be a sucker – what was happening was obvious from a mile away. You can’t force people to love you, force people to regret, force people to feel anything – you can only control yourself. The best revenge is moving on.

  5. he fucked my fiancée haven’t spoken to him in 15 years give or take a few years. I kicked his ass pretty thoroughly

  6. I had a friend in high school and we were super close and his parents joked that I was their adopted son. One day I went to his house to hang out after school and his mom went off on me demanding to know where he was and what he was doing. I told her I had no clue and as far as I was aware he went home after school and we where supposed to hang out and play video games and watch the season premiere of a new tv show season. She said I was lying and was covering for him and that he was allegedly out doing drugs or something. Turned out he’d been using me as a scapegoat for why he wasn’t home till late at night or right after school for a while. When I found this out I confronted him about it and he told me I wasn’t really his friend and he just hung out with me to give his parents the illusion he was a good kid when in reality he would go out to parties and was using drugs. I told him he was a piece of shit and to fuck off, and I cut my ties with him and his family

  7. Guy I considered a brother, never argued much about anything serious, never had a legitimate issue… I asked him to be my best man, he said yes. Was going to fly into town for the wedding, a week before he went silent and it freaked me out. This is a guy I talked to all the time, daily, and he went dark. Finally I get a text from his parents and that he tried to kill himself and was now in a medical facility.

    Five years pass, I’ll text his parents through that time and ask how he’s doing, I get a “He’ll call when he’s home”. One day my wife gets a random message from him on Facebook. Turns out the whole thing was a lie. He couldn’t stand that I wasn’t radical left wrong socialist like he was, and he knew I’d never be that way. So he just went complete dark.

    My wife told him he could call me, that I was still there and worried about him. So he did. We had an awkward 5 minute call where I made sure he was ok, he wasn’t trying to harm himself, then told him if he wanted to talk again, he could reach out. It’s been two years, haven’t heard a thing from him. Couldn’t care less.

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