Either it’s a toxic friend group or I’m just dramatic.


I’ll write down some things they’ve done to me without trying to make myself look like a victim.


We are in the same class, our friend group consists of 4 people. One of them was the most closest person to me cause when I was a new student in September she helped me to warm up in new class yk what I mean (Lets call her Olivia btw). However after around 2 months I realized how much she talks about herself. Some of her stories don’t even sound like true. Like “When I was walking through the corridor some guy winked at me!” “When I was on a trip some guy tried to kiss me and asked to be his gf” “Omg I remember some random guy accidentally touched my butt” “Guys prob like me cuz I don’t wear that much makeup.” and it goes on. I try my best to listen and react to everything she says. But whenever I wanna tell her something she goes on her phone or starts talking to other people. She gets SO mad when Im not listening though.

She criticizes other girls so fckn much like “Omg look how Emilia walks, is she trying to get attention from boys or something??” “Ew look at Beckys new haircut wtf looks ugly asf” and sooooooo on. Recently she started criticize me. “why are you standing like that?” “Why your eyebrows are so uneven” “Your eyelashes are just…ew” like it would be fine, but she criticizes me SO LOUD. Everyone turns around at me and she just laughs. I laugh back nervously. Or like “Ummm why are you bringing hair brush at school? It’s not a party nobody cares about your hair” “Why you wear so much makeup like no one has a crush on you”. And whenever I say something she just looks at someone quietly and eyerolls.

AND NOW. My other two friends. They were cool. But they sided so much with Olivia. Whenever she makes fun of me they join. Sure friends often make fun of each other but its soo fckn often and in public. Olivia needs to say only one word like “Im going to the toilet” and they like dogs follow her along. And if I don’t, she gets mad and confused.

Its weird though. Bc Olivia made fun one of these two girls by calling her a dirty pig (she is a bit chubby and kinda does eat a lot but like- seriously calling someone dirty pig? AND OUT LOUD IN CAFETERIA?).


Today, during break I started distancing myself and talk a lot less. I hang out with another girl in class but when they saw me they were like “umm okay?..” (that girl is shy and autistic and has no friends, but I realized we had so many similar interest and it was fun to talk, many people judge me rn but whatever).




Idk..we had such a great, funny, warm relationship. But I feel odd. Maybe its me? Or they drank the last drop of my patience by making fun of my insecurities?

  1. It’s okay to outgrow friends in the same way you outgrow other things in your life. You’ll find that you’re much happier when you find friends who have similar interest, morals, ethics, etc.

  2. seems like ur friend only cares about the superficial stuff so i wouldn’t recommend hanging out around her too much bc at some point u’ll either start acting like her (unconsciously even) or u’ll end up despising her even more. and u wouldnt want to hold such feeling in ur heart bc from what ure saying, u deserve better :’)

  3. Yeah I’d distance myself real fast. She doesn’t sound like a fun person to hang around with. I’d keep hanging out with your new pal and maybe expand your social circle from there. Know this mean gal is probably gonna make comments at you for leaving the group or call you out somehow. Don’t buy into her crap. Always be true to yourself and make friends with good people.

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