He slaps himself so hard to the point where I fear for him and it seems like it would give him a headache. We have no kids but he’s been really stressed and says he’s $10000 in debt and that the stress is getting to him. I’ve just never seen my dad or any men in my family act this way during arguments so it makes me kind of uncomfortable .

Main reason I’m asking today is because he was on the phone with his bank earlier, and he went into the bedroom and closed the door. About 30 seconds later I wanted to cuddle with him while he was in the bedroom and grab a pair of socks. So I opened the bedroom door and he shut it really hard and it kinda hurt my foot. I was upset afterwards and we argued about it because he was saying I was trying to snoop on his conversation and I explained what I was really doing but he didn’t believe me. He then told me to apologize for snooping and that it’s disgusting in denying it. I told him it’s not true and that he should apologize for hurting my foot then he slammed his hands on the kitchen counter and slapped himself in the face extremely hard twice. This made me cry because it filled me with anxiety and he asked why I’m crying and I said it’s because he’s stressing me out right now. Then he screamed at me about how I don’t know what stress is because I just finished school and haven’t got a job yet. And he said only he deserves to say he’s stressed

  1. None of this is normal.

    How are you snooping why are there things that he feels he needs to hide in your relationship?

    Hurting your partner is never ok. Even if it was an accident from some silly outburst not being in control of yourself in a way that hurts someone isn’t ok.

  2. he’s got some very unhealthy ways of dealing with his emotions. he took his frustration out on himself with the counter slamming and face slapping but i am more concerned about why you confronting him about hurting your foot made him so frustrated in the first place.

    how long have you been together? him accusing you of snooping on his bank call makes me thing he is hiding a lot of big things from you, which is also concerning.

  3. Hitting himself is a form of self harm, and indicative of some serious mental health problems that he likely needs to see a therapist to resolve. Definitely not normal.

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