I’d like to hear from guys that are not particularly interested in/driven by sex.

I know, or at least heavily suspect that you exist because my partner is one. I’m not particularly interested in (having) sex either so it works for us. There is no lack of emotional intimacy, physical touch, appreciation or love. He’s not asexual and his testosterone levels are fine.

I absolutely know that sex is a crucial factor in relationships for what seems like the vast majority of people, and I completely respect that. For so long I believed that that’s just the way it was for everyone and believing that caused a lot of confusion, frustration and sadness for me for a long time—desperately caring and desperate to see that reflected in my partner. I’ve come a long way since then—much more relaxed and strangely, satisfied.
Despite this there is still an occasional feeling that is hard to shake. A wishful feeling maybe, that things were different. So much discourse is so heavily infused with sex in some way that it makes not being driven by it feel like a disability or something to be ashamed of.

So I just want to hear from you guys because we rarely do and I think it would be nice to read about your experiences and thoughts on this.

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  2. It makes me hate myself.

    I’m being quite serious when I say it is the number one factor in my decision to kill myself one day.

    If you are one of those sociopaths who plan on having kids, for the love of God, don’t raise them to think sex is a sin.

  3. I hate how women think we only want is sex. I mean we do, but for a different reason.

    Yes it’s important and I like it daily. But it’s the intimacy that comes with it that I’m after.

    Every relationship of mine ends cause I want it “too much.” Like yeah, because that’s how I feel the closest to you crazy. A lot of women think it’s just men using them when I bet most men would disagree. It’s just how we feel close to our ladies.

    This is why relationships between men and women will always be complicated cause our need for sex is driven differently.

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