Never orgasmed like that. Then had a pretty ok vaginal delivery of my first child.

Then, when sex resumed, to my surprised, I gushed A lot of fluid when orgasmed. And this is every time now, ever since. No signs of slowing down.

Looking for any hints on why this happened to me?

No joke, its really quite a lot. Feels good and does not taste like pee, to all the ones saying my bladder was damaged or something.

  1. Lots of women report changes after delivery. Some find orgasm to be harder, but many find it to be easier (increased blood flow?). You’re not the first women I’ve heard of that picked up the ability to squirt after delivery.

    Celebrate, throw down some towels. If you haven’t already, consider a waterproof mattress protector.

  2. My wife squirted for the first time with an orgasm a month before her due date. She didn’t in her first one after.

    >Feels good and does not taste like pee, to all the ones saying my bladder was damaged or something.

    Squirting IS technically pee. So any bladder damage wouldn’t be relevant and you’d be having way bigger issues I’m guessing.

    Your OB has heard it all. Ask them about it. Put down a towel in the mean time.

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