My friend wants to watch Genshin Impact with me, but I told him that I can’t watch it with him because I’m afraid that he might call me boring. I’ve been called boring a lot of times before, and I don’t want him to be the next person to call me boring. I don’t want to waste his time watching it with me.

But, i really want to watch it with him. He always invite me and i always decline.

  1. He’s trying to share something that he likes with you. Just enjoy it, and have confidence in yourself.

    Fuck those guys who say you are boring.
    Your friend will love if you watch the show with him

  2. I usually watch things in silence with my focus on the screen. I’m told I’m hard to read and others can’t tell if I’m enjoying something or not. I likely appear boring, especially to those who are more vocal and animated when watching things. I’m just taking it all in and if someone takes issue with that it says a lot more about them than me

  3. Dude I get that, I mean I don’t consider myself boring or anything but sometimes I just think and some of my friends have also noticed this about me. Around some people, I really wanna be the most interesting person around, (more like the funniest).

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