I see it all the time as a trope on TV, why is it sexy when a woman tells a guy she’s going commando?

  1. It’s like when someone hands you the keys to a Corvette and says “Go look out in the driveway.”

    You know in that moment that you’re about to drive a Corvette. It might be even more exciting than actually driving it.

  2. She’s telling you because she wants you to know. She’s spicing what happens when you get home.

    Also it’s risque, there’s a VAA (Visual Access Angle, thanks Jeff) so there’s a level of potential exposure.

    Combine the above and you’re both in for an explosive evening when you get back. She knows, you know, she knows you know, you know she knows, damn… would they just hurry up and bring the bill already!

  3. Never got this meself, but basically its a sign of her being in the mood which is exciting.

    Reminds me of a fan comic of this scenario but wife also put husband’s hand on her ass.

  4. It’s easy access, and the woman basically advertising she’s DTF. Depends on the guy, but I know it’s always a turn-on for me when a woman’s aggressive about it.

  5. It’s not the lack of panties… it’s that she’s telling ME. Basically saying we’re probably going to have sex.

    Also easy/quick access when things get hot and heavy.

  6. Because if she’s sharing that information, that’s more than just saying the words. It’s teasing.

  7. What’s so great about a surprise gift if it isn’t wrapped? I like to unwrap my gifts.

  8. To me its sexy because she’s telling me about her naked pussy.

    Not that the pussy is naked per se, but that she wants me to KNOW that it is uncovered and practically asking me to imagine it.

  9. Reminds me of that Jeff Foxworthy joke.

    A woman says “I’m not wearing any underwear.” A man thinks “All right! might get lucky tonight.”

    A man says “I’m not wearing any underwear.” A woman thinks “Aw man, now I’ll have to wash those jeans twice.”

  10. If a woman tells a man she isn’t wearing panties, it is a basic statement that she wants sex, and most likely, with him.

    This has happened to me twice in 70 years, and both times resulted in the energetic making of the beast with two backs.

  11. *The only thing between her and I is a fuckin’ ZIPPER!*

    It activates the cave man brain. *In me, at least.*

  12. Any comment of a woman’s genitalia or undergarments is a turn on.
    A woman talking about the size of her boobs, how she can’t find a bra that fits, or how her panties keep giving her cameltoes. It’s all hot as fuck.

  13. Depends on context:
    Wearing a skirt = risk, ease of access, the prospect of sex anywhere they want, and since you’re being told they don’t have them on it’s implied what will follow.

    Wearing pants = meh, maybe she didn’t get her laundry done in time.

  14. Depends:

    Commando while wearing a sun dress? I’ll be happy to give you the most mediocre 3 1/2 minutes while trying to last.

    Commando wearing coveralls? What in the insane hell are you doing?

  15. The anticipation/indication of getting a reward triggers a big dopamine spike than at the moment of getting the reward itself.

    Heard this in one of Dr. Robert Sapolsky videos where he went over an experiment with chimps and measuring their dopamine spikes.

    One of the major contributing factors i think…

  16. It’s tough to say what is hotter. When she says this while wearing jeans or when wearing a short skirt.

    They are both hot af, but… And hear me out…i think both are hot for different reasons. Yes a skirt has the risk factor of getting caught and the easy access part…. But the jeans are rougher for her, teasing those sensitive areas every time she moves. By the time we get down to doing business, the wet works have already started and she is usually very primed physically….

    But to be honest, either way is hot to me.

  17. Finding out about it is all about timing. If she whispers it in your ear while you are at a family event and an hour from home, you’re going to lose your mind. So close yet so far.

  18. Nothing like a little sundress on a pretty afternoon, a whisper in your ear that I’m without panties, as I’m doing a bit of gardening. And you will be thinking of nothing else, I promise you! There will be afternoon delight 🙃

  19. It’s not the fact that she is not wearing panties but it’s the fact that a woman I like *telling* me that she is wearing no panties

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