When do you start your break and when does it end? Im trying to decide how long to stay home. My company has a policy to work remotely and my home is very far so going for 1 or even 2 weeks feels like a waste.

  1. Really depends on the work culture but I’d say between 20th and like 5th many offices are pretty empty, especially with WFH. Can probably add on +1 week if you can WFH or take holidays

  2. * Going home on 15 December
    * Enjoy weekend with family
    * Work from home 18 to 22 December
    * Enjoy weekend and bank holidays with family
    * Work from home 27 to 29 December
    * Enjoy NYE
    * Work from home 2-3 January
    * Return on 3 January

    There is a lot of WFH yes, but that period is quiet anyway, and I value evenings with family as much as the rest. Plus, allows me to save annual leave days for non-family trips!

  3. Well, going for the duration of the school holiday.
    Without kids I’d definitely be gone for 3 weeks, with a week remote, 2 weeks holiday.

  4. I’m originally from California. I typically go home for 2-3 weeks depending on the year. I can work from abroad but I’d need to work U.K. time zone so I don’t bother and just take annual leave instead.

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