I’m a male. I enjoy hanging out with people a lot. But I don’t always have the energy to talk to people.

I always have that one good friend that I only talk to and I tend to neglect others. If another, better friend comes along, I will neglect the other friend and put all my energy in this person instead and I no longer care about the other person. It’s a vicious circle.

I have noticed that a lot of people noticed this behavior and it’s caused me to ruin friendships because of this.

For example. I had a very good friend I used to talk to every day. We spent a lot of time together. Then I got a GF and I started neglecting this friend because I was only focusing on her. And now we only talk like once a month.

This causes me to have no real friends right now because I spend all of my time with her.

How do you fix this?

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