So i need advise here. We are about to go on 5 years i have lived with him for one year in January.
Let me start off by saying he’s a very sweet boy, very loveable handsome funny and patient.
after moving in with him and after a few arguments and talks he tells me i expect to much from him. But i don’t think i do and no matter what we end in the position. So i work full time from home so i get to see how he moves every day. I don’t want him to be a maid but he has more free time than me. And it bothers me that i feel like i clean and do more than he does given the free time i have
He has no real job where he has to clock in and out. His parents are able to provide for him a new 3 bed room house and are giving him a few thousand a month bc he’s back in college after realizing these other job that aren’t at the family
Shop have “shitty bosses and don’t pay enough” and he only goes to class once a week and does all his work last minute a and cheat to get the answer. He “works” with them but goes maybe once or twice a month for a few hours on his time.
I usally ask of him to be more mindful of the house since we both live together but he gets upset when i tell him be more protective and ive worked from home this year and i see how he goes about his days and
I don’t care if he plays video games all day or sits and watch’s TikTok’s or gets high* i do to but i work out go to work ect* but when i ask him to help more instead of watching hours or Tv or video games
He tell i am expecting to much from him and that i shouldn’t since he “pays for everything” last time He said that i reminded him how his parents hand him that money bc it annoying to me how responsible he feel he is when all he has to do is ask for it. I don’t want him to be a maid but if you got time to watch 5 episodes of GOT per day you should be able to clean a little to why do i have to do more house work with the minimal time i have left . Most times we don’t have groceries at home bc he waits for me to go with him
I can’t say any of thing bc he tells me i am jealous of his parent I’m like no bro I’m upset you just sit in bed and on the couch with a screen in your face.

He tells me he wants to lose weight but when i tell him let’s go to the gym he said no bc of the video game or he tells me i should go find someone else ect and I’m like your the one with the issues I’m just trying to help

I know he has some type of depression but he won’t take action for it I’ve told him to go to therapy and he brushes me off and sits infront of a screen all day

After he runs out of his allowance towards the end of the month he can ask for a few more bucks or depends on me and I’ve suggest a part time and he tells me he’s not interested i don’t mind but again help clean the house more. I still have to go to work if or not i have money i don’t avoid my responsibilities
Am i expect to much from him?

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