I’m getting excoriated in another thread because I pointed out that most guys don’t get much use out of online dating and it doesn’t make sense for us to put a bunch of effort into taking new photos every few months.

Am I off base? What’s your experience?

  1. My wife wouldn’t appreciate me updating my daring profiles these days, but when I was using them I would add new photos as better photos of me were taken.

  2. Two years after I got married I thought I’d go back and update it letting people know it can work. That was a decade ago, don’t even know if the site still exists

  3. I’ve not used OLD in 8 years. I think those in that other thread of yours are correct about updating photos. Demonstrating that you can take enough of an interest in presenting yourself well is a universally good sign. It can seem like an ordeal to many men because we’re not generally spontaneous photographers. Asking friends and family of ours can seem desperate and vain. That is where professionals can be of service.

  4. What is this, 2018? We’re still doing online dating?

    I was pretty sure that the internet agreed that online dating is a shitshow.

    If you want to meet people, find a hobby, and look for social communities around those hobbies. Trust me, it’s far more effective.

  5. Photos, *maybe* once a year. I don’t take a lot of selfies and I live hundreds of miles away from my friends and family, so the good photos are few and far between.

    The rest of it, a few times a year. Maybe more often if I’m trying out something very different, but mostly I just let it sit. Nothing makes much of a difference anyway; I’m not terribly good-looking and I don’t want kids, which leaves me with very few options to begin with.

  6. Dating websites don’t work because women don’t really want to date. They just want to cry about not having affection (getting attention) and then ignore guys that show interest in them. I did a research study once and found out that women respond to 0.001% of messages while men respond to 99.999% of messages. You will likely have to send thousands of messages to get ONE reply.

  7. It depends on how seriously you’re looking for a partner. If you don’t care, then don’t try. If you do care, then you should try your best.

  8. I don’t!

    I just delete my profile after 2 weeks, as soon as the ‘new profile boost’ wears off.

  9. I get absolutely a lot of use out of online dating, but then again, I did put a LOT of thought into the profile


    I am only tweaking it a little every 6 months or so

  10. A lot of losers in this thread. Whenever you don’t look like your photos, you should update them.

    Online dating works if you’re not obese like the majority on this sub that complain about it.

  11. I try to update mine every few months. But I also am trying to show off my gains so that is probably why lmao.

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