Do you believe this is true: “Women fall in love in a man’s presence. Men tend to realize they are in love in a woman’s absence”?

Apparently, there are studies suggesting that while women may experience more intense immediate emotional and physical pain following a breakup, men generally take longer to heal and are more likely to experience prolonged emotional distress. Also contrary to the stereotype that men are less emotionally invested in relationships, men are more likely to develop issues such as suicidality after a separation, indicating a profound impact on their mental health.

I understand that every person’s experience is different regardless of gender but am curious to hear what men think.

  1. I watched a true crime murder where the woman ended the relationship to be with someone else and her ex started a relationship and she got so jealous she killed them both. It might be rare but she broke that stat

  2. This is 100% true. I fell in love with someone who wanted me for such a long time after she moved on. And now I’ve been struggling for months.

  3. I’m M.

    My last breakup was after a few months of fighting and trust issues so I think we both felt relieved and happy in the short time. But I suffered a lot afterwards and she found someone after a few months.

    The thing is, I believe, that men have a harder time finding women than women finding men. We guys feel relieved and free while women miss the emotional connection and stuff but in a few weeks she will have a line of guys trying to make her feel “less lonely” while the guy will get lonelier than ever. I think that’s where those sayings come from.

  4. Are you asking what it’s like to be emotionally devastated by loss and trying to pick up the pieces?

  5. I broke up with someone on new years last year after she ghosted plans with my family (not to mention we lived together)

    Im still fucked up by it, but what can you do, just keep moving forward and try to make every day a little better

  6. Men are the romantics, but appear to be the opportunists, women appear to be the romantics, but are opportunists

  7. I wouldn’t necessarily phrase it like that. That seems to imply that the man in the relationship doesn’t value it while it’s going.

    What I would reference is the phrase “still waters run deep.” For better or worse, men tend to be socialized to be stoic, and that means that we often love… and suffer… in silence.

    Now, that’s not necessarily healthy, and I think more relationships would last longer if men felt safer to express emotion with their partners. But for better or worse, that’s the social dynamic for many men. And I think a man that is single and suffering is more likely to express emotion than a man in a relationship.

  8. Don’t think it’s a gendered issue. Certain guys will move on fast and certain womem will move on fast.

  9. It’s true. I had a girl who was in love with me, but I didn’t fully appreciate the degree to which she loved me.

    She eventually moved on and now I can’t get over her.

  10. I just went out with my friends and talked to women in person at the clubs or events we went to, summer 2022 was the time of my life lol i always been confident and sure of myself so didnt go thru that find myself again cycle cuz i never let my relationship define me just pretty much distracted myself and enjoyed being single

  11. true in my experience. esp dark issues and yeah suicidal ideation is real after ltr esp marriage

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