How would you react if a girl you see as a daughter says she has a past of doing bad things for money? Would you be disappointed or concerned?

  1. Concerned primarily; depends on various factors. If you know her well enough to know she has never had money issues (at least shouldn’t have given family financial situation), then a mix of both, but still concerned as to why it happened. Was there more to it than money? Bad influence? What will happen moving forward. With just this much information, there is a spectrum of answers depending on the actual circumstances.

  2. Concerned and supportive. There are many things that could have lead her there. I wouldn’t judge without hearing the story.

  3. Why would I see somebody as a daughter who is not a daughter?

    Well anyway in case of literally my daughter in most cases I would be concerned. Disappointed, too, unless I saw it coming so it’s not a surprise. But primary goal is to find out how to help her. Though sometimes the only way to help somebody is let them hit the wall. So it may look like disappointment.

    So likely for “as a daughter” too.

  4. Why should you be disappointed? I would just thank her for trusting in me by telling me that and find out how she feels about it and support her.

    If she feels bad about it – this is hard enough… if she doesn’t then there is no need to create negative feelings for her just because of your opinion

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