I used to be a lonely person that had almost no friends, pandemic only made this worse, but I got to enter uni this year, I challenged myself to talk with everyone I met, I felt really anxious at the beginning, many times I did not know how to act, just did what I thought was best, I met many people of every kind, angry, chill, interested, disinterested, friendly, annoying etc etc; I always tried to be myself which probably caused me to have less conections with people than I would have made faking it, however, if i could go back in time i wouldn’t try to be fake since in the long run people that were just bad friends ot simply incompatible distanced away and those that made me happy stayed, I also met a person that has become my best friend. With all if this I want to say, don’t be afraid to be yourself with other people and challenge yourself to be more open with everyone else, for me it was life it was completely life changing, I know that if I do it others will likely be able to do it too, cheers!

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