I have real problems with people who talk and talk and talk and talk. Usually I find them very boring. And I hate having to fight so hard to get into the conversation. I’m quite a shy person, and it can be an effort to assert myself in a conversation. Very stressful. After a while I just give up, go quiet, stare into space, and really want to get away from the situation.

Worse still if they think they’re funny but I don’t – I feel an intense pressure to smile and laugh, but it would be completely fake.

Am I normal, or am I unusually unsociable? Would like to know if others feel the same, and how they deal with these situations.

  1. I get kinda rude because in a way if someone’s talking your ear off without letting you in on the conversation is very inconsiderate. I’ll interrupt. I’ve even interrupted my chatty boss.

  2. Small talk warriors inceed draining. Shyness ain’t unsociable; it’s just your vibe.
    Ever tried the “nod and smile” move? Less effort, same effect. Don’t stress, it’s okay to zone out.

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