I want to start off by saying I’m a petite girl and only had sex twice in my life with an ex partner/friend. Recently, I started dating a new man and last night before he dropped me off we decided to park and smoke. After talking and smoking he asked me if I was ok sitting on him and I said yes. He was having trouble putting his penis inside of me but eventually it went in but it’s was a little bit painful for me. I was trying to pound but it was difficult because he has a larger penis. After a couple of minutes he tells me “get up get up” and I did and he came outside. I looked at him and he seems off. I asked him what happened and he said that “this is boring I’m too uncomfortable I feel like my dick was squeezed too much because you’re too tight” and i felt ashamed and he proceeded to tell me it wasn’t my fault but that it’s was too tight for him. After that, he asked me if I was hungry and I said no because I’m still thinking about what just happened. He asked if I wanted to go back home and I said yes. So he dropped me off. I don’t have much experience with sex so after this experience I been feeling down thinking it was my fault he didn’t enjoy it because I’m “too tight” what can I do to enjoy penetration better and not be so tight?

  1. Being “tight” is a good thing to most ppl – never be ashamed of that !! And no matter what a guy says please never be ashamed of your body – it’s great the way it is no matter what and if a man is having sex with you he should be grateful.

    But from the story, sounds like maybe you guys just jumped into everything too fast and you weren’t stimulated enough- maybe try more foreplay next time and you will get wetter and won’t be as “tight” as when you’re simulated women do loosen up in a way.

    Never ever do something you aren’t comfortable with or aren’t ready for! You are allowed to stop at any point! Sex shouldn’t hurt you. Use lube if you need. And if someone doesn’t wanna hangout just because you won’t have sex then they aren’t worth your time.

    (Of course if you’re only looking for sex too – power to you! Have fun and be safe!!)

  2. That’s his own damn fault for not doing enough foreplay so that you were wet before he put it in. If a vagina is properly prepped for sex it will open up and become wet. If it’s tight like he was complaining about, then he just hasn’t done enough to turn you on and you need more foreplay. All of this is entirely his fault, and if he put in a minuscule amount of effort, he wouldn’t have this problem. This is absolutely nothing on you, other than maybe choose partners who prioritize your pleasure, and want sex to be enjoyable for you as well. This guy sounds like an asshole who is not good at sex.

  3. You be proud of your tightness and do not apologize at all. A different position may have made all of the difference but he was too selfish to try. Walk away.

  4. Stop! You are not the problem. If he’s that big you’re gonna need lube. You are not the problem.

    Do not feel ashamed. I see you listed this as skill improvement.

    There is nothing wrong with you. Please please know that!!

  5. Might have just needed some lube or more foreplay. Don’t let this one time with an inconsiderate guy make you think something’s wrong with you!

  6. As some one who is often told she is “too tight” my experience is that it will make a man cum too quick. So it sounds like this guy is a jerk and blaming you for his lack of stamina

  7. Sounds like he came too quickly and then tried to blame you. Plus, calling you “boring” and “too tight” is pretty rude. I’d leave him alone tbh. Cumming early is unfortunate and it happens to guys sometimes but there’s no need to be an asshole to your partner. He could have owned up to it or switched things up and used his hands and mouth or you could have taken a break then gone for a round two.

    Blaming you for it is a scummy move

    There’s nothing wrong with you and there are other fish in the sea. Keep swimming 🐟🐠

  8. Ok first of all you didn’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed.

    Sounds like you are on the tighter end. And yes this is a thing. And no it’s not a flex. Just like having a bigger dick is a thing and it’s not a flex. You say he was bigger, so the combination was not pleasant for either of you.

    Now it sounds like there was no real foreplay and no lube at hand. Those things help tremendously when you have a size issue like this. Foreplay will help you to get wet and it also kind of opens you up. Makes you less tight. And real lube helps even more.

    Some people can do quickies. When the sizes are right and some women just get very wet very quickly. But some people don’t really have this as an option. And that’s ok. Never be embarrassed to need foreplay or lube. Even the position you are in can affect things. And being in a car is very limited.

    Make sure you trust your sexual partners to be patient and understanding. And to provide you with what you both need to have a good time.

  9. I interpreted this as he felt ashamed that he came quickly and possibly only wanted to use you for sex, so he insulted you to save his ego.

  10. I don’t love, from a new relationship perspective, that he said it was boring. A “y’know what, I’m not feeling it” is one thing, but boring? That feels disrespectful and entitled, as you can certainly find others who will take a keener interest.

    Anyway, if it was uncomfortable, you might not have been sufficiently aroused. I wouldn’t be surprised, given his attitude. If you want to bang this bored and disrespectful man again, I’d bring some lube, or suggest that he might find sex more interesting if he engages in some foreplay.

  11. I think you just went too quick, you may need lots of foreplay to get wet, or maybe try a different positions first before you sit on it.

  12. Next time don’t smoke because that can mess with how wet a girl can get I’ve been through that it could never be to tight just to dry

  13. Some women are just tight. My wife is in her mid 40s and it takes s good amount of foreplay for her to open enough for me to get inside. We’ve had a lot of sex over the 13 years we’ve been together and it still feels the same as the first time.

  14. This isn’t a problem with you, at least not one you can “fix” or should feel ashamed of. If he was uncomfortable, that’s unfortunate, but it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you.

    It also doesn’t make him a bad person, just to be clear. I’m sure at least a few commenters here are going to slam the guy for telling you what his issue was.

    To me, it just means you guys either need to try in a different setting (car sex is almost never as good as it sounds) or that you might just be incompatible. If you really like the guy, try again at your place or his, in a bed, with some lube and a lot of foreplay.

    If it’s still no good, find a dude who likes your body the way it is. There are plenty of men out there who will love your “too tight” vagina.

  15. Lol – He definitely came to fast and decided to blame you 😂

    He sounds like a loser – you dodged a bullet!

  16. You said it was uncomfortable for you as well? Was that because you weren’t relaxed/aroused? Or did it seem almost like muscle contractions inside? What specifically was uncomfortable?

    Also, don’t be ashamed of this, everyone’s body is different, inside and out and that is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of

  17. There is nothing wrong with you. Please know this.

    Foreplay + Lube + more foreplay = happy couple.

  18. As someone who is also very petite I recommend smaller partners. I had always experienced pain with guys who had bigger dicks. Once I started sleeping with men (for me 5 and under and relatively thin, once I started sleeping with men in those parameters I actually have really enjoyable and have actually achieved my first few orgasms during penetration this year.

    As for how tight you are. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I found that bigger partners would say the same for me but smaller partners really appreciate it! It’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Relaxing also helps if you’re nervous or uncomfortable that could be a cause as well as not enough foreplay or lube.

    I hope you find the right fit!

  19. A couple things. First, it sounds like you might just need lube. Heaps of people have different things that they kinda need for comfortable sex. Lube might just be yours. Different positions give different angles too, so pardon the pun and play around until you find what works best for you.

    Second, he might have been embarrassed. He had an embarrassing performance and behaved embarrassingly afterwards. His shame isn’t yours, so if you give him a chance, I’d say you need to make it clear that his behaviour isn’t acceptable and he needs to work on more open communication for sex, and he needs to leave the misplaced pride – impacting on your feelings is not acceptable when it’s a moment of vulnerability for everybody involved.

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