so i feel a little silly asking this but i want some inspiration so please help a girl out

i (23f) have been with my bf (25f) for 1,5 years and we have always had and continue to have great sex

i have honestly never been attracted to anyone like i have him and i’ve had my share of sexual partners. this also means i’ve never been interested in people’s nudes. but him naked is just so fucking hot to me.

i don’t like porn but would still like something sexy to look at when i gotta take care of myself. this has les me to the concluding that i want his nudes. we have never exchanged nudes as i expressed early on that i didn’t have an interest in it, but i have clearly changed my mind. i would also love to send them to him. which is also not something i’ve ever wanted to do before

i’m almost certain he would love to get nudes from me but i still don’t wanna just send them unsolicited/unexpected. he did once say that if i want some from him all i gotta do is ask

but how do i ask?!?!!

tldr i’ve never exchanged nudes with anyone. i trust this guy 100% and just wanna make it fun. how do you do it? what medium do you use? any and all suggestions are welcome (examples in my inbox however are NOT welcome in only want them from my mans)

ps if you have funny ‘send nudes’ memes pls share i have been thinking this might be the way. but still open other fun ideas anyone might have

  1. You don’t even have to ask with a meme. You could literally just be like “Hey remember when you mentioned you’d be cool with sending me nudes if I asked for some? Would it still be okay if I got one (or some) for using later on today?” and I’m sure he’ll be fine with you being respectful about it op

  2. He’s even said to just ask lol.

    Your nervousness is adorable.

    There is no need to try and make a meme out of it. In fact, that will ruin it haha.

    Let your man know you think he’s f*cking hot!

    Just ask! Let’s go!

  3. Well you can start with some light sexting to let him know you’re turned on, and maybe a “let me see you 😍” will suffice? That’s how my bf usually gets the hint – plus he’s probably anxiously waiting you to ask 🥰

  4. Hi, honestly, if you’ve been together a while you know each other and my advice would be to be completely honest. Tell him you want to see his body to help you wank when you have time to do so – it will turn him on immensely unless he is very unusual. I think many people pretend these things are weird. But look at the size of the Reddit NSFW community and it’s clearly not. Best of luck!

  5. I honestly can’t understand people that are in a couple and are worried about things like this? If you are a proper couple, you shouldn’t be worried about a couple of naughty photos.

  6. Polaroid nudes as a little surprise are always hot and can open the door to exchanging more frequently

  7. I’m sure he’d be happy to help whatever you say, you should just bring it up irl though first and not through text I think. It makes it easier to makes things clear. But be wary of sending pics of yourself, you never know when the guy you trust will show his true colours and starts spreading your nudes online.

  8. Look, the majority of women don’t ask for nudes so there really isn’t a ‘wrong’ way that I can think of; your guy will be happy that he’s one of the lucky ones regardless.

  9. Tell him you’re hot and bothered and need some visuals to hold you over until you see him. Easy.

  10. Why not make a video featuring the both of you? This may eliminate some trepidation as you’re both just as exposed as each other in the one film. Set up a camera on a tripod or shelf in the bedroom one night and surprise him.

  11. Honestly just ask lol 😂 my girlfriend is the same way but she will muster up the courage and ask, and when she does I happily oblige lol

  12. Just be up front and tell him you’ve changed your mind about it. I would love it if my girl asked me to send her nudes, and it would 100% not be weird to me. If you guys ever sext, you could also just send a teasing picture to see if he’s up for it. Although that might fall in your definition of unsolicited of course.

  13. Try this: ‘Hello boyfriend. I would like you to please send me pictures of your cock. Both erect and flaccid. Thank you.’

    Alternatively: ‘Boyfriend, I am coming over to take pictures of your penis at 7p. Please be showered.’

  14. Men like women to be direct with it, women find it creepy (usually) but most men like women who show they’re very into them sexually, they’d love it if you just asked straight out

  15. “Early in our relationship, I said that I didn’t have an interest in receiving nudes. (Across multiple partners,) I never have. But you are so hot. I am so attracted to you. I would love to receive nudes from you (for when I’m taking care of myself). I would also like to send you nudes. Are you okay with this change?”

    Or: “You so hot. I want nudes from you. And I’d like to send you nudes too. Is that okay?”

    If you trust that his phone is secure, then you can use any messaging app to send photos. Alternatively, you can use a shared Apple or Google photos folder. There are also dedicated apps with stronger security.

  16. “Would you please get naked, stand in front of a mirror, take pictures, and then send me those pictures?”

  17. Guys love sending dick pics! Just ask! Unfortunately most dudes just send them unannounced which 99.999% of women do not enjoy. 🍆🫣

  18. I just had this conversation with my boyfriend. I have little to no shame so I asked him as we were watching a movie his thoughts on nudes. He told me he sent them in the past and would send them to me. I told him that I’d send him some too and he was happy with that. The next day we exchanged nudes which was fun.

    I think a really fun idea for you and your boyfriend is to do 25 days of titsmas. I did this with one of my ex’s and I’m going to do it again. I send a holiday themed nude each day leading up to Christmas around the same time each evening. I just wouldn’t put your face in them and if you have an iPhone, use the 3s or 10s timer. Be creative and have a fun!! Good luck and I hope this was helpful.

  19. I would just straight up tell him you changed your mind about nudes, or if you’re open to sending your own maybe surprise him (when you know he’ll be alone obviously) with a photo of your own, it doesn’t even have to be fully nude, it could just be a cheeky photo of your hip or something while implying you’re taking your pants off, guaranteed insta boner, when he tells you how his body reacted ask to see and he’ll most likely be happy to lol

  20. Literally say “hey babe send me a picture of your d***. If I was him I’d be turned on by the question alone

  21. Uh just say this. Send me a picture of your dick. 🤷 most guys will run to the nearest bathroom to do this.

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