Movies, songs, books, etc. it’s hard to find movies or songs that aren’t love stories

  1. Brainwash. We’re being fed the so called life script from before we form memories. It can be hard to break out from that and look inwards to see what we actually want and need in our life.

  2. Love is one of the strongest emotions a person can have. Humans are naturally social, though some don’t actively seek love, majority of people naturally seek it out.

    I feel a lot of it is the feeling of loneliness too, I know many people who were lonely make love stories to fill the void.

  3. It is an old social construct.

    Women were meant to be married to another family, their parents would pay for their dowry. I find it interesting that it was a custom in different cultures and different time periods.

    If you were not able to find a proper suitor you would become a spinster and society would look down on you because you weren’t able to find a husband.

    Only men would inherit the family riches and women were supposed to make good mothers and homemakers. Ideally your first born would be a man and he would continue to carry the family name.

    So both men and women had the pressure to find a spouse.

    Now biologically, we have the need to preserve the species.

    Not that we need to do so anymore, but it is a natural instinct to want sex. So then goes society again! You should have a romantic connection in order to have sex.

    Of course that is not a popular belief or a common belief anymore, but once you live in a world where you are fed with the, in my opinion, stupid idea of having to find “your better half”, not being able to find a romantic connection might make you feel as if you are “inadequate”. So one starts focusing on what’s wrong with me? I should be able to find love.

    I guess??

  4. Several reasons including we’re trying to find what our emotionally immature parents weren’t able to provide for us.

  5. Because it’s a multibillion dollar industry.

    Hollywood and Hallmark use it to sell on the silver screen.

    Artists rake in millions selling records singing about it.

    Authors make their living telling stories about it.

    Then dating apps come along, right off the heels of the covid lockdown, and turn over millions in company profit every year off the backs of those who seek it.

  6. There’s probably an element of people wanting to fantasize about a finding a sense of fulfillment that they believe they lack in real life.

    I think it’s also true that societies like to push young people into being a part of the system, rather than challenging it, and the narratives we tell steer people’s beliefs and life paths. It’s generally better for an economy that population growth remains steady.

  7. It’s because it is one of the foundations of being human and it’s a factor in nature as well. The entire purpose of most species is to reproduce

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