Men who have explored old abandoned houses/buildings, what did you find?

  1. There is an abandoned hotel right about the beach in Lagos, Portugal. Was on a bunch of acid and decided to hop the fence right before sunrise. Whole building was filled with awesome graffiti, made it to the roof and got one of the best sunrises of my life.

  2. I once found a dead sheep in the loft of an old military building. To this day, I still have no idea how it got up there. The building was two storeys, built with high ceilings and the loft hatch was still sealed, we had to bring our own ladder and there were no other entrances or exits to the loft space.

  3. Beds, toys, and Christmas stuff. It was weird cause the items weren’t abandoned and the house was owned, but the fucking house had its entire corner side missing.

  4. The usual. Dirt, Syringes, old sleeping bags, some crackheads.

    Best story would be that time we walked up a staircase and a creepy puppet with a rope around the neck dropped down. We looked up and there was a couple doing a photoshoot with it.

  5. I grew up in the countryside, around here there are plenty of abandoned colonial houses and manors. When I was a kid I used to love exploring these places.

    I used to find a lot of documents, old newspapers, clothes and small objects. I got a jackpot once, found an old muzzle-loading shotgun on top of a wardrobe. Still have it to this day.

  6. Lots of interesting old trash, this place was out in the country so it hadn’t been ransacked but it still had stuff everywhere. Looked like whoever was last there took most of the furniture and just left all the odds and ends like food

  7. Went to Kansas with my mother to visit her brother, Russel.

    He lived on a farm and I went out exploring. I remember all the grass was yellow. It was real dry.

    I saw some buildings and it turned out to be a town. An old Western town like in the movies. Many of the windows were gone but the shops still had things on display. It was all old and rusty. Deserted and abandoned.

    I found an old rusty pocket knife and picked it up. I didn’t think it belonged to anyone. When I got back to my uncle’s I showed him and got in a small amount of trouble.

    It was a town that was abandoned during the dust bowl. It was owned by someone and I was told I had stolen the knife. How can someone abandon a thing but still own it? My uncle took the knife and said he would return it and try to explain it so I didn’t get in trouble.

    I was only six or seven at the time.

    To make matters worse I found out that the reason we traveled all the way to Kansas was to give uncle Russel our puppy. We had a collie. I think one of my mother’s boyfriends gave it to us. It was mostly my sisters’ dog, but I loved it too. I actually got a rabbit. I was so happy and proud and then her borfriend stepped on it and broke it’s leg. They took her to the vet but she never came back.

    Anyway, mom didn’t want the collie either so now he was going to go live on a farm.

    My childhood was full of injustice.

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