We hear a lot about bad boys and it’s ilk that it’s now common place. Surely there has to be a counterpart to that; The bad girl.

So what was it like dating a bad girl, what made her bad and how’d it end? Or if you’re a masochist, how’s it going? 🙂

  1. It was fine. I knew what type of person they were and only expected that level of behaviour from them so we had fun and the sex was good. But it was never serious.

  2. You’d have to define bad girl but if it’s a chick that drinks a lot, does abit of rack and smokes weed, sleeps around and cheats a bit – I’ve found they’ve tried to portray an image to me that they’re all good and innocent wifey material , I usually just cut contact when shit comes out like that

  3. Depends what you mean by a “bad girl” but they make good disposable short term relationships.

  4. What is a “bad girl”? Like in the kinky line of “I’ve been a very bad/naught girl”?

  5. Dating the “bad girl” was awesome and borderline addictive. Fun all the time, very hypersexual, not caring about what anyone thought, doing what she pleased, the very definition of a free spirit. It was a month of awesome times, until she crashed, brought on by me refusing to smoke crack, she hid it from me the whole time, I thought she was just a naturally happy, sexual being, but it must have been the drugs. We lasted another week, but she could not stay away from it and left me for someone who did not care about her health and only wanted the wild times.

  6. In my experience ‘bad girls’ tend to be the ones who will hook up with any man who shows the slightest bit of dominance in social situations. Generally they’re nymphomaniacs and often call me words like daddy when in the sack. Their personal lives are usually downward spirals involving drugs, unpaid child support, felonies etc. These types of relationships never last very long for me, thankfully.

  7. Every bad girl that has shown interest in me is because she was trying to ruin a good girls night.

  8. Reluctant at first because two of her ex’s were incarcerated. Why she liked me I had no clue since I was not her type, but she was funny and down to earth so I gave it a go. Went to a house party one night and the police came to shut it down due to a noise complaint. Chick handed me her purse and bolted out the back of the house. Couldn’t find her for hours. Called her cell, no answer. I get home and open up her purse to find an assortment of drugs and cash. Turns out she was selling them at the party to help make bail money for her recent ex. She finally calls to apologize and picked up her stuff later that day. Suffice to say things ended right then and there and haven’t seen or heard from her since.

  9. I know it’s boys but I consider myself a very “complicated invidual”. Well I woudn’t date myself to be honest but I’m working on it , gotten a much better person ( I hope) .I’m in a realitionship for 8 years now lot of times it was hell and worst. If you’re not close to Jesus as forgiveness goes, not gonna last. 27 F

  10. It was fun, but in University, she missed a final, failed the semester, and that really opened my eyes as to what kind of girls I was into at the time and maybe avoid.

  11. It was a learning experience. Every bad girl I dated introduced me to new things. They were bad because they got involved in things average girls don’t typically do.

    Being taught how to please a woman well is a major advantage. I always get compliments on how good I am.

  12. She was an ass and cheated on me.

    I was like 18 thankfully and I quickly learned that “bad girls” are *often* just bad people lol. The main determining factor tends to be (shockingly) a decent code of ethics and morality.

    The same thing, I have to assume, applies to “bad boys”.

  13. It’s hectic. But aslong as you don’t “try to save her”, it’s really fun, til it isn’t. And when that time comes, you need to run.

  14. It was fun while it lasted, but glad that it ended, because it would not have lasted long term.

  15. She made me feel like an object…..a piece of meat, thats only used to stuff her whenever she pleased……which was almost all the time……

    ……I didn’t mind at all

  16. Bro…. Don’t do it. It’s great for like a month then all the baggage comes out like a bedbug infested house. If you’re a guy who cares about who you sleep with, a bad girl will absolutely wreck your shit and won’t care. So run dawg. Don’t be chasing the high she gave you.

  17. Empty… Just satisfying our needs, mine and her and then moving on… One can easily feel like an used object and i can tell you, it’s not a nice feeling, when a opposite sex looks at you just as a piece of meat, instead of living person with feelings and stuff…

    As i get older, i’m looking for someone i can connect with not only physicaly, but mentally too… Empty sex is just… Ye… empty…

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