Dumbest post ever, I’m sure, but my partner and I just moved into our first apartment together. Right now we only have very minimal furniture and are sleeping on an airbed. Living large for sure (I actually love it, it’s exactly how I imagined the first week or so would go and it makes me giddy).

He just fell asleep a little while ago, but the rascal fell asleep with no blanket or pillow due to exhaustion (he was up all night and then just crashed).

I’ve successfully thrown the blanket over him, and I left the pillow next to his head in the hopes that he’ll sleepily grab it. No cigar. If anything, he turned his head away from it.

I could just leave him, sure, but we’ve done this dance before and, I assure you, neither of us wake up feeling great without a pillow to lead us into dreamland.

So, Reddit, how do I successfully get the pillow under his head without waking him up? Any and all help is appreciated.

EDIT: He successfully snatched the pillow on his own when I was in the bathroom. Regardless, I appreciate all of the advice given and I will definitely try some of these next time! Thank you, Reddit!

  1. If he’s exhausted, stirring him long enough to get a pillow in place probably won’t trouble too much? When I’m dead to the world it takes a lot to move me, even being nudged half awake doesn’t seem to prevent me slipping back into it quite easily.

  2. This is the sweetest post I’ve ever seen on here! I don’t have any advice for the pillow situation unfortunately but I hope the giddy feeling from moving in together never goes away 🙂

  3. I think you’re supposed to lift with your teeth at the back of the neck, that’s how their mothers did it. Wait, maybe that was cats

  4. Reach your arm under his head and cradle his head in the crook of your elbow lifting slowly then slide the pillow under his head and slowly move your arm out of the way so his head gradually falls into the pillow.

  5. You’ve posted this on r/relationship_advice so naturally the answer is he’s dreaming about cheating on you so you should pack your bags and leave now. Also put a snake in the pillow for good measure.

  6. This is so incredibly sweet,reminded me of an ex of mine who used to remove my makeup in the most gentle motions if I drunk slept in it. That same ex literally learned how to do manicures and pedicures when we were too broke to afford them (and I was too depressed to do them myself). Bless his soul. I’m a more loving person because of how unconditional and ultra ultra caring he was with me. He also worked an extra gig on top of his full-time job for a month just so he could get me a golden ring for my BD (that I’ve never asked for, he just knew how much I loved Golden jewelry).

  7. You’re too sweet! I have to do this all the time, but for way more selfish reasons – my mans snores REAL LOUD without a pillow. I have 2 methods to share, depending on his sleeping position:
    1. If he’s on his back, put the pillow beside his head. Place your hand on the small of his back and gently roll him onto his side. Rub his back if he starts to stir.. Kinda like you would with a baby lol.

    2. If he’s on his side, you’ll have to lift his head and sneak the pillow under. Disguise the motion by strategically yet lovingly running your hands through his hair.

    Both moves are best finished with a lil kissy on the forehead. 🙂

  8. Hug his head toward your chest. I hve to add or remove pillows to stop my husband snoring if he says anything I just say I was giving him a hug and go back to sleep 😂

  9. Is there a /r/unexpectedwholesome sub? If not, there needs to be.

    Edit: yes there is. Might be some sort of quantum effect — the act of thinking of a sub causes it to exist.

  10. For the future, do what I do in healthcare, lift his head up gently and slide it under, if he wakes up, just tell him you’re giving him a pillow cause you want to make sure he stays comfortable

  11. This is the best post I’ve seen on this sub. So very wholesome and such a great change of pace from all of the regular sad posts that you know are just going to end in a breakup. OP, you are so sweet and caring. I hope your partner takes good care of you, and that you two grow old together and live happily ever after.

  12. Just wanted to post to say that you’re a very kind and sweet partner. Congrats on the first place together.

  13. This is honestly the shit I live for on Reddit! So dumb, so adorable. I’m very glad it all worked out and hopefully you’ll both be super rested by the time you see this comment

  14. Wake his ass up. And tell him “You need this. You’ll be tired without it and I’m not gonna put up with your cranky ass shit.”

    Lay down the law early in your cohabitation adventure.

  15. What you do is get a second bed, lay the pillow in a mirrored position and then choke slam the SOB onto the new bed. Problem solved.

  16. This is the most adorable problem. Keep taking care of each other, and I hope you have many happy years together

  17. This is a wholesome change from the usual posts and I love it. Congratulations on getting a place!

  18. Oh god I’m reading all these extremely sweet comments and such and they’re all so very beautiful.

    Hubs and I have been together/married for over 20 years…

    I just smack him in the face with his pillow and he kinda/sorta wakes up mumbling and tucks it under his head himself and falls right back asleep. (he snores like a chainsaw without a pillow and also constantly flings it off the bed)

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