What are the details of your ideal life as a single person? This assumes you have no partner, and no plans to later have a partner in any form.

I’d prefer reasonable answers, instead of, “I’m a trillionaire and I rule the world,” but answer as you see fit.

  1. 1: Lotsa partying

    2: Lotsa money

    3: Lotsa freedom

    4: Lotsa friends

    5: Lotsa traveling

    Being young and single is awesome lol

  2. no pressure for a wedding, lots of traveling and money, a lot of me time, no emotional problems, more time to spend with family and friends. as someone who’s an introvert and independent, i just really treasure myself and time so i dont see “being single for the rest of my life” as a threat to my life because im already content and happy with myself and the people i surround myself with.

  3. I think I’m pretty close. I have an interesting job that makes a difference, working part time with Fridays off and make enough to pay rent for my small apartment with my own garden. I enjoy alone time but if I want to hang with someone there are friends I can call. Long term I’d like to have a pet and maybe own a small house one day.

  4. A small bright house by the coast, a small dog to take on hikes, a coastal cafe to work in on my laptop, some friends to hang out with occasionally. All I’m missing is the dog.

  5. The exact same way my life was before meeting my partner, which wasn’t in my plan at all, it just happened, because jeeeee I was THRIVING !

    I was financially stable and independent, spending my days working on my business, having some me time, taking myself out every week, taking care of myself from head to toe and loving getting dressed everyday even when I wasn’t planning to go out, spending a good amount of time on my hobbies and passion, reading every day, workout, loving to spend time in nature, ones a week a bottle of wine as a reward for completing my weekly goals/task, social butterfly, traveling at least 3 times a year or just any time I wanted, going on weekends in my country or the countries next door.

    Just living the way I wanted. This was and still is my ideal single life.

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