Men who own guns, what was it like shooting a gun for the first time?

  1. Loud and I flinched. Since then, I’ve fired hundreds of thousands of rounds over 20 years. I’ve destroyed so much paper and cardboard practicing for an event I never want to happen.

  2. Going back quite a bit here, but it was fun. Can’t really think of anything else to say about it.

    If you’re going shooting for the first time soon, I’d recommend watching some gun safety videos on youtube first.

  3. Not as loud, nor as much recoil, as I expected. Rifle was (and still is) a lot easier for me than pistol.

  4. Well for a kid it was very fun, I was only shooting a little .22 back then but I felt like a big shot. I’ve got much bigger guns now but I still like shooting .22

  5. Never owned a gun but have used them a few times.


    My dad sold his guns to the government when we had the gun buy back here in Australia in the 90s. But before he did we went to a farm of someone he knew. Fired off a lot of the ammo. Went spotlighting. Left the one legal rifle with the farm owners son (he was around 20).

    Also done indoor pistol shooting at a bachelor party. Also lots of fun. Thing I found most interesting was that I can fire a .45 revolver one handed accurately as I’m a pretty big guy it wasn’t an issue for me to do so. The recoil just got absorbed in my body mass.

    I did find out later that a couple of guys at the party I didn’t know as well were on meth during the gun range. Which, well, I’m glad I didn’t know it at the time.

    Turns out for someone who is pro-gun control I’m a pretty damn good shot. Not sure if its computer game training or just listening to the advice of the experts. Like you line the sights up and pull the trigger and the hole appears near the centre of the target.

    I think most people (especially men) should go to a firing range at least once to experience it.

  6. Most guns don’t have as much recoil as I expected. An AR-15 is a breeze to shoot. But there are some which are wild. Usually if it comes as a revolver, watch out. They put the big boy rounds in revolvers.

  7. It was pretty exciting. Definitely enjoyable.

    It got more fun as I got older and my marksmanship skills improved.

  8. Kind of boring. I was 12, and I’d been around my grandpa when he shot a lot, but my first time was a single shot 22 lr. And it was very structured, my grandpa made me call out when I was loading, when I was off safety, when I was sighted, when I was putting my finger on the trigger, etc. It was 100% the right way to introduce me to shooting, though.

  9. I’m a Brit but I fired a shotgun once about forty years ago when I was fourteen.

    It was awesome.

  10. Well I shout my first gun at 10 and I shot a pistol, revolver, ak and a musket and I have also shot a rifle and a shotgun so honestly after you shoot it for the first time it’s the worst and the anticipation but once you realize with the proper equipment and safety it’s pretty low of a chance that anything will happen but for the experience I was kind of scared and nervous but after you shot a gun you get used to it and you’ll know what to expect and has anyone shot a 30 ot 6 or whatever it’s called idk how to spell it but my mom said it has some recoil so is it bad or like a normal gun.

  11. Kinda like sex the first time, pretty exciting and it was over quickly.

    Real talk, make sure you’re with someone who knows what they’re doing and is appropriately mature and precautious.

  12. Shooting in the army was fun, dragging all the stuff around a bit less, gun owner now it’s fun to home in your aiming skills not a gun nut and pro gun control

  13. I love guns but I hate shooting. The first time is awesome. As a kid, it was a humbling experience and a good lesson learned that day about responsibility. More important than learning to shoot was learning to keep it clean. Nowadays, i rarely shoot for fun. Just a few shots every year to make sure my Zero is on and when its go time to kill something. 1 Shot 1 Kill.

  14. I used to own a gun and I was even in the military. But maybe I didn’t purchase the right gun as it made me nervous. It had a kickback and I couldn’t shoot a target to save my life and also, it didn’t have a safety.

  15. It was exciting. I was very nervous pulling the trigger, but after it went off I didn’t want to stop shooting cans. It was like getting a new toy.

    Shotguns scared me the most till I shot it.

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