Hello, I am 25 years old. Being short has always been a complex situation for me. I hate being short so much. (I’m 1.58 tall) I’ve never had a girlfriend. I have no self-confidence. I want to have lengthening surgery. But my family calls me a freak and says I’m crazy. Do you think I’m a freak or do I have the right to do so?

  1. You have the right to do whatever you want to your body. But this sounds like a self confidence issue. Can’t put a price on happiness though, if you think it’s worth it.

  2. Plenty of tall dudes can’t find a date either. Confidence is much sexier than height.

    That said, if the surgery would make you feel better about yourself, it’s your choice. But it’s not going to magically make you more attractive to women. You still have to **be** a person they’d want to date.

  3. I personally think you can do what you want.. But I wouldn’t do it..

    I think if something about your body makes you insecure it fucks so hard with your rizz.. Im not the best lookin dude, but cause Im confident i would say I’m successful 5/10 times..

    You need to get comfortable with your height and I know its easier said than done.. But I would try working on that first before doing surgery

  4. Don’t do it! Wouldn’t you want a partner that loves you for who you are, not your height?

  5. Don’t they break your knees open and then your knees are never as strong again? I dunno about that man.

  6. First of all it’s an extremely painful process that takes an extended amount of time until it’s fully completed and healed. Second of all at your age you probably can’t afford it. Third of all it may not make a difference in your life and doesn’t guarantee any different results from whatever is causing you to want to be taller in the first place. God don’t make mistakes, love yourself.

  7. I wouldn’t recommend it, I don’t think it’s worth it for anyone. But you 1000% have the right to, obviously. At the end of the day, it’s how you want to live your life. I’m just saying that there are so many other things when it comes to attractiveness and how tall you seem is relative.

  8. You have the right to do whatever you want… but I’d encourage you to find something else to do to help with your lack of confidence instead. Making yourself a bit taller is probably not going to do it.

  9. I think it’s pointless. You can seriously damage important bones, nerves, and tissues. The right person will adore your height. Height doesn’t matter at all honestly. It’s probably better that you’ve never had a girlfriend because the dating pool is atrocious. I hope you find someone that adores your height and doesn’t consider it a leading factor in who you are!

  10. Internet strangers can’t answer that for you, as with anything on here you will just get a lot of virtue signalling.

    I think the questions are this.

    1. Can you even afford it? It’s extremely expensive. If you can’t, why even bother thinking about it

    2. Are you willing to basically lose a year of your life to recovery. This isn’t a quick fix, it’s a long and painful process.

    3. Have you realised that even after the surgery, you still won’t be considered tall, so it isn’t going to fix the problem. You can only go up to 4 inches taller. I’m the height you would be, and I’ve had girlfriends (got one now) and dated etc, but that isn’t because I was tall. You are still going to have to find a way to get over your height and still be self confident in who you are.

    I’m not saying not to have it, if you really want it. I don’t think everyone who has had it in the past has regretted it. I had a hair transplant and people said it was a waste of money because I was only receding a bit in the front, but I could afford it and I’m happy with the results. But no type of surgery is going to magically fix your dating life.

  11. I’d say do whatever you feel is best with your body man. It’s a terrible, painful, expensive, long journey but if you feel those extra 5-7 inches will help you out socially (and they absolutely will), then go for it. You’ll be average height.

  12. It’s your body and your money, and my belief is that you should use those things to make yourself feel better and more confident if that’s your wish.

    I had a lower face and neck lift and it was expensive and painful and I’m so glad I did it (my family is prone to turkey-neck and I was having none of it).

    You live in your body and you can do what you want. 🤗

  13. For me it was my teeth, my whole life. As an older guy I spent a small fortune on my teeth and I’ve never been happier. Money well spent for my life journey. You do what is important to you, no matter how extreme it may feel to others, who to be fair, never have, and never will walk in your shoes. You are not crazy. You are problem solving for your own life.

  14. > Do you think I’m a freak or do I have the right to do so?

    You have the right to be a freak if you want to, so there’s no question about that.

    SHOULD you get limb lengthening surgery? Probably not, but it’s your life. If you’ve looked at the risks and complications and think it’s on balance going to have a positive effect on your life, then do it. You only get one life and you should try to maximise it. Just make sure you understand the risks and make a smart decision and not just a hopeful one.

  15. I’ll say that it is definitely not worth it, especially since you won’t get tall enough for you height to start to be a positive factor either way.

    If you are 1.6 and become 1.8-9 sure, maybe some women will start to want you for you height. But that surgery (from what i know) will only give you max like 10cm. It will basically be the same as not having done it at all. Might aswell use your time trying to find a woman who doesn’t care about height to begin with.

  16. So, basically, you’re gonna alter your natural and authentic self, put yourself through immense pain and discomfort, and waste thousands of dollars, just to please a bunch of superficial people?

    If there are weirdos out there who judge people solely on something they can’t control, then they’re the ones who are not right in the head and are freaks.

    You shouldn’t feel insecure just because you’re short. You are perfect and important the way you are, and if people don’t accept you, they’re not worth your time. So don’t think about them.

    You’ve got everything you need. You just need more self-confidence. Just know you’re worth, and it isn’t effected by your height, or any part of you.

    You should also talk to someone supportive, like a friend, about this. They’ll help you out.

    So don’t go through that lengthening surgery. With a little bit of confidence, you’re already your best self! 😊

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