I was talking to a guy I met through a dating app for two months. We would play a game almost every night together but we wouldn’t call, just text in between rounds. We would also snapchat and text throughout the day pretty frequently. Eventually, a week before we met in person, we played twice while calling (both times the call would last for 2-3 hours). We go to separate schools but they are located in the same state (1.5 hour drive from each other). Eventually, we met up and went on a date which was really nice, but, there were definitely red flags/things that I thought were a little off. Also, we ended up hooking up (thought I should note..)

Personally, it’s really hard for me to catch feelings, and because I am so busy and stressed with a lot of personal and financial issues in my life (having to pay off college on my own, time management with too many involvements, family problems, extreme anxiety and low self esteem, etc.) I haven’t really had the time to think about dating/go on many dates. I have been in relationships before, but it has been 2 years since I had interest in anyone. I have also been asked out by people at school, but I always get very scared to go on dates because I am afraid I will “disappoint”/embarrass myself. Because of this, it was difficult to meet up with this person since I had to muster up a lot of courage and wait until I finally had time to myself.

Because of certain situations in my life, and some things I thought were off about the situationship, I decided to end our situationship but still remain “as friends” if possible. He agreed, but a couple days after I did this I realized I caught feelings for him.

It has been more than a month since we “talked” like we did before, and I still haven’t been able to get over him. I tried reaching out to see if maybe we could possibly go back to what it was like before, but every time we talked the conversations were short lived and no where similar to what it was like during those past two months. This does not really surprise me because I did come off like I didn’t have any feelings for him when I ended our situationship.

I also never told him about the reasons why I ended our situationship besides being very stressed and not being sure what he wanted from it (partner, just for fun, etc.) It’s very hard for me to tell my personal issues to other people. However, part of me wonders if maybe things would have been different if I told him what was happening in my life so maybe my “bold” decision to end our situationship wouldn’t have come off so badly.

I also did not tell him I caught feelings for him, which part of me really wants me to so I can get rejected/closure to this situation (since I think he is not interested in me anymore). A lot of people advised me not to though.

I was wondering if I could get advice on how to get over someone after catching feelings / opinions on the situation..any help with this?

  1. Don’t rush it. Give yourself time and let yourself process this to truly get over it and move on. It might hurt, but it’s necessary and sometimes it helps you learn stuff about this and yourself.

  2. I’d tell him. No harm no foul. If I went out with someone and they told me they weren’t interested but we kept contact, even if you tried reaching out most of the time it’ll just fly over our heads.

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