As an expatriate, I’m endlessly amused at how possums can freak out people who’ve never seen one before.

  1. Wolves…I think they are magnificent animals.

    I know they also exist outside the US 😉

  2. Eastern Kingsnake, Black Rat Snake, five lined skink, raccoon, gray wolf, red fox

    I am fascinated by orcas, but they’re found worldwide.

  3. My mother’s old dog, she’s blind and deaf but somehow knows if a squirrel or possum is near her food bowl outside in the middle of the night

  4. [mountain goats]( – To me, they don’t really look like goats that can be found elsewhere, but maybe I’ve not seen enough of the world’s goats. Either way, they’re pretty nimble for being so brawny.

    Edit: Reading a bit of the article, they’re not goats despite the name. So, that explains it then.

  5. Trash pandas. Like, without even thinking about it for a second, raccoons. Coolest animal I can think of in North America.

    Anecdote of my own: while I wouldn’t exactly consider Central Europe home to the most exotic wildlife on the planet, an American friend of mine was amazed by the European Squirrel, which is smaller and leaner than its American counterpart, has longer ears and a fiery, ginger-red fur. They do look cute and apparently much more so than the North American Grey Squirrel. Sadly they are just as shy so he didn’t manage to pet any, lol.

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