I know he’s mostly an exaggeration of an American politician but what are some things about him that portrayed American politicians accurately?

  1. Good for a meme of the soul and that’s about it.

    The cockiness and self importance line up with the average politician in my opinion.

  2. What I have seen said that sums it up best is that Armstrong is an amalgamation of every single spy movie villain ever written.

    He starts off as a ultra-nationalistic war profiteer, only to later reveal that was a complete lie. Within 10 minutes he flips around to every conceivable political extreme.

    Metal Gear has always parodied American politics from the lens of someone who only knows about American politics through action movies, and Armstrong is a parody of Metal Gear itself.

  3. This whole interaction cracks me up:

    Armstrong: Played college ball, ya know.

    Raiden: At some cushy Ivy League school.

    Armstrong: Try University of Texas. Coulda gone pro if I hadn’t joined the Navy. I’m not one of those beltway pansies. I could break the president in two with my bare hands! DON’T FUCK WITH THIS SENATOR!

  4. I’m old. All I remember is the 16 bit arcade version with bodybuilder dudes with blond flattops and slow stubby tanks that hopped.

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