Is it normal to like a coworker as a person? I feel like the more I like anyone the less they do like me. In past jobs I didn;t give a rats a– about coworkers. Now I like a few people. I want to fit in but feel like I can;t. I called in sick today just because I feel like crap. I had to talk to this coworker and she sounded annoyed. Another time I was leaving at the same time as someone else and saw them drive by in their car and they saw me then sped away. I feel like I did something to piss off people without really doing anything. Occasionally Im late but people will say it’s fine. One time I kicked a cart but apologized the next day to whoever saw it. Trying to improve my social skills I visited the gas station the company has. The last 2 times people working there seemed annoyed by me walking in.

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