I (22F) have been with my boyfriend (22M) for two years now. Our relationship wasn’t always easy due to his own childhood traumas, and his various insecurities about himself. For two years I have been helping him financially, while he has gained and lost jobs due to motivation. We would argue continuously about stupid stuff, financial hardships etc, and honestly some of those arguments have stuck with me years later, and I do become overwhelmed by them even now when they’re brought up in conversation. I love him so much, but the thought of leaving him has come to me. I have wanted to speak to other men at times and I have recently (nothing physical ever), and I know this is not acceptable while in a relationship. I feel extremely guilty. I also don’t want to lose the guy I’m with, but I’m curious about people in the world or if I’m with the right person. Do you ever truly find the right person or am I a delusional 22 year old watching too many romance movies? I guess I’m asking for a bit of guidance from anyone older, with or without experience in this same situation. Thank you.

  1. Girl. You’re 22. You don’t be need to taking care of a whole other person financially.

    You’re already checked out enough to want to talk to other guys.

    End it already.

  2. If you’ve been helping him out financially for your majority of your relationship, and he still hasn’t gotten his shit together, I think it’s more than reasonable to leave. In fact, it’s probably the best choice. You are not his babysitter or provider. A relationship is a partnership – you and the other person are supposed to help each other grow and evolve. This guy sounds like he’s just dragging you down and keeping you at his level. 22 is barely even scratching the surface of getting to know yourself, experiencing life, meeting new people. There is more to life than this and you know it deep down!

  3. Stop cheating for fuck’s sake. Is it so fucking hard to just dump someone instead of cheating on them? Jesus fuck.

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