How did you cope with seeing other people get what you want in life while you are still waiting? (career, love, family, etc)

  1. That wasn’t something that I felt the need to cope with. Everyone’s life is a different journey. Where they are in their life is about them and their life’s journey. That’s not relevant to me and my life’s journey. If they are my friends, family, or people that I care for, I celebrate their successes with them. If it’s someone unconnected to me, I don’t spend much time thinking about it. Their successes have nothing to do with my life. For the things that I want to achieve in my own life’s journey, I work towards those things. Where I am in that journey towards achieving those is not about anyone else. This is my life journey and my accomplishment, so I’m not comparing myself to other people’s journeys and their accomplishments.

  2. Well, there is nothing much to do,! Be happy for them, ‘and wait for your turn. That’ s all.

  3. I’ll be honest I’m struggling with this a bit. I’m happy for my bestie who is the 1st of our group to be planning a wedding but she is just so ungrateful for all of it.

    Nobody wants a bridezilla of course lol but she could care less about any of it. She just wanted a ring & is now already talking about having a baby & getting a house & we are over here thinking- “girl, you are 28 & so young! Just slow down & enjoy where you are now! Plan your dream wedding & let’s just have fun!” She’s like racing through life.

    It has been triggering for me for past relationship trauma & I’m working on it but geez. I would be ecstatic if I were her & she is just so meh about it all. Again, I love her & am happy for her I just gotta vent sometimes. I guess I just feel lost & am humble enough to say yea, I’m jealous of certain things.

  4. “The race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself.” Comparison truly is the thief of joy. People get what they “want” all the time and still aren’t happy. Others can’t begin to figure out what will make them happy. I just enjoy the ride. And, seeing other people happy makes me happy. Their success does not make me feel bad about myself or jealous of them. I’m thankful for everything I have.

  5. When I get really jealous of someone, it’s because they have something I want – so I try and work out what element of what they have is what I want (right now, time to work on my creative endeavors) and try to make that happen

  6. I am super happy for them because I want those around me to succeed and do well because I know they would want me too also. Plus it’s not a competition. I’m on my own journey and I’ll be damned if I’m going compare myself to them… or them to me.

    Also I mean not everyone can be as fabulous as I am so no need to make them feel bad about themselves. /s

  7. It can be hard, because it is kind of just natural to compare and measure yourself against others…. However just think about the “every dog has it’s day” saying. And stick to your lane and just work towards your own goals. You probably have something that others envy as well. Be happy for others as your time will come. When it does celebrate with grace.

  8. i take it as a sign that if they can do it, i can do it. if their time has come, my time will come! etc. i also firmly believe that if one thing doesn’t work out the way you wanted, it means something better will come along or something you didnt know you needed. patience 🙂

  9. Unless you’re directly competing with them for a specific limited thing then getting it doesn’t have anything to do with whether I get it or not. If they can do it, so can I.

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