
  1. I am not holding my breath that the state government will do anything competent when it comes to this disease.

  2. Hospitals get the first doses, followed by high-risk individuals/communities, like people with underlying health issues or nursing homes.

    After that, I’m not sure.

  3. I’m not sure to be honest, its too early right now I think. They just vaccinated the first lady in the UK and it might take a few weeks before we have enough doses here for states to distribute them accurately. Plus, even at that point it’ll be hospitals and elderly homes first before the general public can get access.

    My governor just got covid so him being out for 2 weeks is bound to cause some serious trouble in terms of distributing it

  4. I feel like the western side will do a great job, the eastern side will probably struggle more. We are more split politically than most people think once you look outside the Sound.

  5. I dunno, and TBH I don’t really care. I’m not high-priority (either job- or health-wise), so it doesn’t affect me in any manner that’d concern me.

  6. So far as I know there is no plan set in stone but some high risk people and medical workers are looking at the next week or two.

    Maine is just quite low risk right now so I suspect we aren’t top on the distribution list but I don’t even know if they are distributing in a state specific way or not.

  7. Going to Frontline workers and elderly first the state has 11 batches. Fun little fact that I find interesting every Pfizer vaccine will pass through Kentucky since they are being distributed from Louisville for UPS and Nashville for Fedex

  8. As far as I understand, states are getting an allotment based on the number of 65+ in their state. DC is disproportionately young. It’s also going to healthcare workers first, regardless if they live in DC, Maryland, or Virginia. DC has a disproportionate number of healthcare workers because suburban Marylanders and Virginians cross state boundaries to access healthcare services.

    It’s a unique situation to put it lightly.

  9. Wisconsin has an update tomorrow. They have emailed all health care credential holders. The distribution plan will be discussed. They are giving priority to in patient providers over long term care residents, I believe.

  10. I have no clue. I know I’m not getting it until we have seen what the possible long term side effects are of the vaccine.

  11. There an NY Times opinion article that has a tool to determine when you’re likely to get it. I’m like in the back of the line for like next summer.

    But as far as I know, the state is supposed to get around 300k that will be going directly to medical workers within the next few days.

  12. I’m not sure for the whole state (Washington). I know local hospitals have already installed industrial coolers for vaccine storage.

    My wife has been told by her hospital to expect a first dose in next two weeks (she works at a research hospital directly with immunocompromised cancer patients)

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