The temperatures here in Sacramento have been getting as cold as it generally ever does and it got me thinking about the vast differences of weather across the US. What do *you* think of as cold?

For note, our cold is highs around 50F/10C and lows around 34F/1C

  1. I will wear a jacket or something if it’s below 60 (or in the low 60s at night, possibly), so to me that is cold.

    Too cold, as in “I am not going outside in this shit”, is below 10 degrees, which thankfully almost never happens where I live.

  2. 70° is cold to me, and I’m freezing anywhere below 60°. I generally like it to be around 80°

  3. For reference: I’m from the PNW (Western side of the Cascades) and will start wearing a heavier cardigan or jacket between 50-55°F (10-12.7°C), but it depends on what’s happening with the weather (rain, sun, etc).

    I now live in Australia and haven’t acclimated at all after six years. Aussies seem to think I’m going to freeze to death when it’s 21°C (70°F) outside.

  4. It depends. Is it windy or calm? Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it humid or dry? Speaking from experience, a still, sunny day with an ambient temperature of 20F in Alaska feels much more pleasant than a windy, drizzly 45F day in Seattle.

  5. I generally don’t get cold until the wind chill kicks in.

    I’ve been able to be outside in a jacket and pants/boots in -10F weather with no windchill and not really have it bother me.

  6. Cold in July when it’s 95F outside is around 68F in an air conditioned building. Cold in January when it’s 32F outside is 32F if you’re standing/sitting still and/or there’s a stiff breeze…but not if you’re doing something active in the sun.

  7. Too Effin Hot: 100+ F

    Hot: Above 90 F

    Warm: Above 80 F

    Average: 65-80 F

    Chilly: Below 65 F

    Cold: Below 40 F

    Too Effin Cold: Below 25 F

  8. -10° and below is legitimately cold, especially if you add windchill and it feels like -20°. I’m from California and lived in Wisconsin so it has to be really cold for me to find it cold. Like, do I have trouble breathing? No, then it’s not cold.

  9. It really depends on humidity. In Seattle I’d say high 50s-high 60s is cool (jacket weather) and low 50s and below is cold (coat weather). In between is kind of a grey area for me. On the other hand, I’ve been fine with just a shirt and light vest when it’s low 20s in Edmonton. People kept telling me when I moved that “it’s a dry cold, so it’s not as bad” and that’s actually really true.

  10. From Minnesota here.

    50 degrees in October is freezing cold, where my jacket

    50 degrees in March is frigging hot, where are my shorts

  11. Mildly cold is typically 50°-59°. 46°-49° is cold, and 45° and below is very cold. It’s very subjective though. My Dad thinks 45° isn’t that bad, and I personally think he’s insane because of that.

  12. Vermont… I can dress for anything warmer than about -5F, unless there’s a sharp wind. If I’m skiing, that doesn’t even feel that cold once I get moving.

    On the flip side, anything above 80F I find oppressive, unless the humidity is particularly low.

  13. Cold enough to be hoodie weather? 60 & low 70s.

    Cold enough that I’d say it’s nippy? 50s.

    Cold enough that I’d avoid going outside? I’m not even sure b/c San Diego never hits it.

  14. I put on extra layers once it’s under like 65, anything below 50 (or below 60 and windy) I’m calling cold. Once it’s below freezing I don’t feel cold, just angry

  15. Northern California: anything below 50 is cold to me. When I woke up this morning it was 25 – *really* cold. (It’s 61 now that at 1:37, normal for this time of year.)

    When I lived in Chicago, any day in the winter where it was above freezing was warm, haha.

  16. Was freezing my ass off in Sac all weekend. I’m from Stockton btw so our weather is much the same.

  17. From Texas. Really depends on windchill, humidity and if the suns out but honestly below 50. I know, I know…

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