You see, I like a girl and to keep the context short, I ended up being intimate with her. But it turns out I’m not the only one she’s intimate with.

So what we had meant nothing to her and I found out about it after the act.

She loves me as a friend, and the truth is that we get along too well… Currently we have a “friendship” that seems like a love relationship where there is a limit because she feels bad for hurting me since she thought I was looking for the same thing as her , that is, another friendship with rights. Because of this I have stopped feeling her affections and words from her as a pure feeling. They no longer produce me so much after knowing the truth. (You know, hugs, kisses on the cheek, I love you, I love you, I adore you, etc.)

The question is… Am I making a mistake by staying friends with her? No longer pretending anything with her but still feeling pain from remembering everything.

I don’t usually socialize with people so I hope you understand that I really don’t know if these friendships are normal or not.

1 comment
  1. sad that she doesn’t want exactly what you want, but she seems to want enough that your older self may curse you for not just enjoying her

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