What’s your worst encounter with the police?

  1. For a few years, I lived in a 2-family house owner by my grandma who had early stage dementia. I got the family discount on the rent in exchange for taking care of the house’s upkeep and cooking/cleaning for her.

    The first time she wandered out of the house it was a Saturday afternoon and I was with some friends about an hour away. The cops got called on her and the dude who called me was *such* an asshole, giving me shit seven ways to Sunday for not being home.

  2. One time in college late at night I got a phone call but my roommates were being loud, so I went for a walk around the block while I talked on the phone. As I cut across a parking lot a police officer pulled up because he thought it was suspicious I was walking around at night. I thought it was weird to randomly harass people walking at night. I explained I just was taking a phone call and the officer eventually left.

    Overall I’ve never been arrested, or had any truly horrible encounters with Police, they just occasionally will talk to me for no reason other than looking suspicious, which is annoying.

  3. Nothing nearly as bad as anyone else, but about a month ago, I had a problem with my car and lost control. The control arm of the car wound up getting destroyed and the wheel was unable to move. My car was disabled and I could not push it.

    While I’m waiting for the tow truck to arrive, a police officer shows up, doesn’t even get out of his car, and harasses me about my very obviously broken car “impeding traffic” (it was not as others were going around me just fine) and threatened to give me a ticket. When I told him a tow truck is en route, he basically said “k” and drove to a neighboring apartment complex and parked there and watched me for an hour.

  4. I was accused of a hit and run because they lost my details.

    Instead of an apology, I had to go through an hour long interview and was repetitvely threatend. In the end I had enough and requested to speak to the officer who took my details as well as my legal insurance. That was the moment they finally admited, that something had gone wrong and things were finally solved.

  5. I was like 13 and group of us were just chilling at the park (age limit was like 10 for whatever reason unless you were adult there with a kid under 10). Cop drives over and tells us we can’t be there and to go to the school playground about a block away. Then we’re at the playground, a different cop drives over, tells us we can’t be there and to go to the park. We tell him the first cop told us to go from the park to the playground but he basically just says it’s not his problem. So we all just went home.

    As you can probably tell, I’ve lived a pretty crazy life.

  6. If you mean any type of law enforcement, I got briefly questioned by the Secret Service. I’m going to be as vague as I can be to protect my dox.

    Back in college, I got dumped and it was a pretty bad breakup. Some stuff happened and it got ugly. So, I decided to look up a girl-spacebar-friend. My thinking was I was alone and she was alone so, like, maybe we should be alone… together? It made sense at the time, I promise.

    So, I drove to the next town over where she lived to pick her up from her dorm. Problem was her bus was running late. So, I had no choice but to hang around outside her dorm waiting for her.

    I had probably been sitting out there for about ten or twenty minutes when a pair of guys in sunglasses and earpieces approached me. Who am I? What am I doing here? Who am I trying to see?

    I didn’t know who they were. And I was kind of pissy at that moment. The heat was getting to me, I was annoyed by having to wait, I was hungry (low blood sugar, I guess) and was a little cranky at the time.

    So, I, being the angry young man that I was, gave jerk answers like “None of your business”, “I don’t care”, “Fuck off and leave me alone”, like that.

    The penny dropped for me when I looked across the street and saw the First Daughter (whom we’ll call “Amanda”) coming out of the dorm. And that was just about when the penny dropped for me. My friend had mentioned that she was suitemates with her a couple of days earlier but I didn’t think much about it until that moment.

    The guys I was talking shit to? Yeah, they’re Secret Service. And they thought I might be there to give Amanda trouble because of some political thing with her father, the President.

    Figuring honesty was probably the best policy, I introduced myself, gave them my name, told them I was waiting for my friend, gave them her name, explained her bus was running late and that I would be on my way once she arrived.

    I guess that all added up for the agents because they told me to have a nice day and walked off.

    They were actually really nice about it, all things considered. But when you think about the fact that they had a legal right to shoot me if they decided that doing so was in the interest of national security, that’s when the encounter gets a little dark.

  7. Back in the late 80s I got pulled over and the young cops saw white powder in the backseat. Pulled me out of the car said he was doing a search. Pulled out a little bag looked inside and found a whole lot of white powder. And before God and everybody did the whole dip, your finger rub it on your gums Miami Vice Test. Started spitting like crazy.and then asked me what it was. Said it was carbonated calcium, moss, and probably some dried blood. Horrified, he looked at me. I asked him if he’d never seen a bag of climbing chalk before. He was not amused or happy.

  8. Was falsely accused of assault while in uniform. No problems from the police but the fact someone can make shit up to gain leverage over a non physical event and you have to prove your innocence. I almost lost my job and everything it supports in my life. Thank god for video camera that got the entire encounter on tape. These fucking turds that lie should have the full extent of the law come down on them. Guilty till proven guilty yourself innocent.

  9. I was hanging out with a bad lot, at least by schoolyard standards. We were out at night causing mischief, smashing things and just being rebellious, rowdy kids. Well a couple of us began graffitiing a local statue of a cricket player out of boredom and the cameras must have picked up on us as we did this.

    We were caught by the police a little bit away as my friend was just about to suggest that we sneak onto this guys back garden. The police caught us in the act and drove us back to the statue.

    We were all shit scared because we thought we’d all get done on the vandalism and the trespassing, but for some reason the police just made us clean off the graffiti on the statue and then let us go home with a verbal warning.

    Didn’t mention the broken shit that was probably mere metres away, didn’t ask us why one of my friends was in the process of sneaking onto some guys back garden when the police caught us. Just made us clean the statue.

    We’d have been around 13 years old back then. I was a little shit and by rights I shoulda faced a worst punishment, but I got really lucky. Haven’t had trouble with the law since.

  10. There was this abandoned neighborhood in my hometown, like a neighborhood with streets but no homes built cause some guy ran out of funding building it. Good place to skateboard or just talk and not bother anybody. Cops told everyone but me to go home, they pulled me by my hair, slammed my head into the hood of their car, called my parents, then told me to get out of there. Weirdest shit, like I would’ve just left peacefully if you let me, but they had to hit me for no reason cause I looked like I might like Slayer?

  11. Probably the time I got shot with a tear gas canister that exploded on impact and bukkaked me with pain.

  12. I haven’t encountered any because I live in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, England.

    Security guards at airports and train stations though? Massive cockwombles.

  13. I was a teenage skater. How much time ya got? Also have had several bad encounters as a grown adult professional.

  14. I’ve never met them, but they sound like dicks from what everyone else is saying. Personally I always liked Walking on the Moon though.

  15. Not as a criminal, but as a victim. I lived in a town where both law enforcement and the courts were the most useless, indifferent and corrupt heaps of garbage ever cursed on a town.

    I worked in an emergency ward for two years and filled out over one hundred incident reports, every single one of them the police were called, and they never showed up for a single one. Not ever. And I’m not talking about petty shit like shouting matches or someone’s purse went missing. I’m talking thousands of dollars of morphine gone missing in a single theft. Half a dozen people brawling smack in the middle of the waiting room. Nurses, doctors, all sorts of hospital staff being straight up assaulted.

    The police *never* showed up.

    The one time a policeman was there when we had trouble, he actually made things worse. This family had two grown sons brawling in the middle of the hallway. The cop was right there, line of sight, not lifting a finger to help. Fine, I start to throw them out, then the frikking cop comes over and says you can’t do that, they have the right to be here.

    No, that’s not true at all. You have the right to seek medical attention. If you’re just a visitor you can be ordered to leave at any moment, especially if you’re fighting on the premises. But the father of the family made this bullshit of a promise his boys would behave. Then the cop just fucks off.

    Not thirty seconds after he’s out of the line of sight to two sons jump right back into it. Good luck getting rid of them now that a cop said they have the right to be here. They’re just going to brawl all fuckin day long to their hearts content. When they started again, it got so bad with them chasing each other all over the waiting room they knocked a patient with an IV unit on wheels right to the ground and smashed it. (He was heading out for a smoke.)

    A doctor tells me that was $5000 of invitro fluid smashed on the floor, and I can’t even press criminal charges because the police won’t do shit. I begged the patient who was knocked to the floor, I ***pleaded*** with him, please press criminal charges so I can get rid of these people. He said forget it, he’s not going to waste his time because the police in that town don’t do shit, and he was right.

    When the two brothers chased each other to a far wing of the hospital, I locked them out. It was all I could do. They could leave or fight in the hallway all day long, but they’re not gaining access to the rest of the hospital. To be frank that was all I could do most time we had brawling in the hospital.

  16. It’s a toss up between getting SWAT’d, almost getting arrested as a news photographer during the Black Lives Matter protests, getting a bullshit $200 ticket and having to deal with the asshole of a POI in the city I covered as a journalist.

  17. For me it would simply have been having an officer say that our dad died.

    Its a bit fuzzy but my mom has gotten a call that he had passed (parents were split), no idea who called her, if it was my dads roomate at the time or the cops looking at emergency contacts.

    But my mom broke the news, and not long after an officer came by to break the news again, not bad officers, just a shit situation to be in as a kid.

  18. When I was younger I got caught in the wrong part of town giving a friend a ride home in my dad’s truck after a long day of work.
    Got pulled over, and the cop didn’t like me, a white kid, driving a huge service wrecker, giving a ride to a black kid to orange circle after dark, so he called for backup and they searched us. They went through every tool box, cardboard parts box, container, every nook and cranny of the truck. Dumped so much out into the parking lot. My dad’s tools and misc parts. It took them hours, and they never found anything. They were pissed because they were covered in black grease and oil. The only thing he had in me was a rolling stop, which I had dismissed in court later. Still I had to clean all that shit up, and then when my dad found out he was beyond irate all his stuff was trashed and thrown around so he beat me really bad that night with his belt. He made me clean and organize everything he had in there, which was just so much stuff. It took the entire day.
    Fuck those Fucking Cunts with a Cactus.

  19. I had a pig point his gun at my 3year old in a car seat, my son was playing with a toy and the cop was super aggro for a daytime traffic stop.

  20. I saved a roommate from intentionally overdosing(1st of 3 in the past 3 years) in 2020 and the police claimed I sold her drugs LOL. That’s the worst in recent memory.

  21. In the summer time there was a group of us (high school age) that played soccer in the parking lots after business closed. We used the concrete cylinder light posts for goals. Never bothered anyone. One night 2 cop cars show up and tell us we can’t be there and shut the game down. So what did we do as kids with nothing to do? We went to one of the group members house to underage drink and smoke. Yep.

  22. I got stopped for racing only I wasn’t racing. The car next to me obviously was but I didn’t take the bait. Really pissed me off. I was able to beat it in court, when my public defender asked him why he stopped me if it was the other driver that speed off and he said “he (meaning me) was who I got behind. The judge immediately dismissed the case.

  23. When I was in high school in Chicago, I had stayed late doing computer stuff (this was the 1980s), so it was past rush hour. I was in a subway station about to board a train for home when two officers asked me if they could talk to me.

    Apparently, someone claimed that someone in a “black coat” was urinating on the tracks. To me, that sounded like something stupid to do; there’s some voltage in those tracks if you hit the right rails. They took my information, and kept asking where I was, why I was at the end of the platform (if you ride L trains, you know that you can often find seats in the end cars when the center cars are standing-room only), and so on.

    They were finally done with me…and some service disruption meant I had to wait another 45 minutes or so for the next train heading my way.

  24. It wasn’t me, but just a witness. A few years ago, I witnessed a man running from the cops stop and put his hands up when he realized he had turned towards a dead end. The lead cop doesn’t slow down and goes full speed driving his elbow into the guy’s neck.

  25. Im from an extremely small town where everyone knows everyone. I was a middle school teacher / baseball coach. One of my kids parents locked the keys up in their car after a game.
    Someone yells at me, hey I just saw a police car drive by, I bet they could help.
    So, I hop in the truck and pull out behind them and realize it’s guy I grew up with that’s a state trooper now. Flash my lights – he waited a second for two like he wanted to brake check me and just completely slammed it into park with front end turned into on coming traffic jumped out with gun drawn and his flash light in my eyes then face screaming that he he could have shot me for trying to flag him down like that and he has more important things to do than play locksmith.

  26. That time me and my mate got caught for weed possession, I suggest a bribe, cops say their price, I start bargaining, manage to cut it to 1/3 the originally wanted, but they say we have 1 hour to collect it. Right at the end of an hour we manage to have the last bit (we were basically riding around the block in the backseat of a cop car for an hour calling everyone we know lol), my friend goes to an ATM to cash out, then one of the cops turns to me and says:
    “Imagine your friend running off with the money and you getting a case alone”
    I wanted to spit right in the mf’s face so hard.
    My friend didn’t flip me as you can guess. After getting the bribe they drove us back to my car with the siren on not to wait for the traffic lights and even gave us back that grass though lol.

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