I do take hygiene seriously and make sure to
Keep it clean . What causes the smell? And how do I get rid of it ?

  1. By weird does he mean “different than other vaginas” or “the way all vaginas taste/smell”? Because they do have a distinctive taste and smell he may just be referring to that.

  2. I’d assume that we all have our individual tastes and smell. And if he’s only been with a couple people, he may mean just that! It smells differently than his own experience. He could choose another word than weird, and tell him that for his own good if it comes up on casual convo b/c he can do a lot of damage using that word on anyone’s body besided his own. I also know that I smell/taste differently when I’m on my period (even though I don’t actually bleed b/c I have and IUD).

    I have never researched anything, but I can tell you what I’ve done:

    I change underwear 2x/day. Just to make sure that I haven’t sweat in mine.

    Don’t wear underwear with a synthetic blend fabric b/c it may not wick moisture properly.

    Shower at least every other day, but I go in for a quick wipe-down just before we get freaky, I used to be embarrassed to stop the party so that I can go freshen up, but it’s better than getting head, and the whole time worrying if I smell or not. I’ve been unable to orgasm before over this concern. It’s not worth the mental gymnastics.

    When you’re refreshing, look into your labia to make sure there’s not TP or debris of any type waiting for him to find.

    Bidets are life… don’t knock it until you try it. A great one can be found for $30 on Amazon, and you can attach it right to your toilet. Welcome to the fastest most thorough after-sex or after pooping clean-up you can get. It’s amazing, and really helps with freshening up down there periodically. Just a tad cold in the winter, lol!

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