I’m a 24 year female about to enter the dating scene after being single for about 4 years now. My last relationship was with a guy from high school so I wouldn’t really say I’m an expert in the dating life. I would just like to know what are major and serious red flags that I should look out for in a man?

  1. At a minimum you should look for a man that respects you, values your time and your opinions, and has the same views on relationships and sex that you do.

    There are like a million more, but if you can’t get those you are going to get bit. If you compromise on any of those you will have a bad time.

  2. General red flags would be misogynistic behavior, racism, homophobia, etc – looking out for these might be common sense, but some behaviors can be pretty subtle on a first date. Lack of honest (and respectful) communication is a big one for me as well. Treating customer service staff poorly is another. Unless you’ve known the person from other situations, meet in public: anyone who asks otherwise is likely just looking for a hookup or worse.

    I’d say you should take some time and think about what would be a red flag to YOU personally: how do you want to be treated in a relationship? What kind of partnership are you looking for? What traits do you enjoy in a partner? This will help you date more intentionally and find someone suited to your preferences. Good luck out there OP and stay safe!

  3. Boundary violations, codependence, controlling behavior. People usually blow their cover in the first few dates.

  4. Does he have a job?
    Does he have a drug problem?
    Does he have a criminal record?
    Does he treat his mom like shit?
    Does he talk shit too much?
    Does he respect your boundaries?
    Is he punctual?
    Is he an asshole to waiters, homeless people, etc.?

    Just some things to keep in mind.

  5. One they ask you to come chill at there place 2 avoid bars and clubs 3 they ask for nudes 4 they ask to hook up that night 5 they only talk about themselves 6 they ask for money

  6. Dude here but this goes for everyone: rudeness/disrespect toward strangers. When you’re on a first coffee date or whatever, pay attention to how your date treats other people. This is one of the biggest red flags I look for.

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