I’m going to a sort of club for eaters and readers and will be meeting completely new people. I know topics of conversation can be food and books, but what other things can I say to get to know them well? Like how do I ask them about themselves, what cues do I look for?

1 comment
  1. You can ask them what they like to do in their spare time.

    You can ask them if they’ve lived in the area their whole life. If yes you can ask if they have much family in town. If not you can ask where they lived previously and what brought them to town.

    You can ask if they are a new member or have belonged to the club for a while.

    You can ask them how they enjoy the club.

    You can ask what they are currently reading or what genre they like to read.

    You can ask how their week or weekend is going.

    You can ask what keeps them busy.

    You can ask if they have any favorite restaurants in town.

    You can ask if they follow any sports teams or participate in sports.

    You can ask if they like to travel or if they have travel plans over the holiday. If they just took a trip or are planning one you can ask about that.

    You can ask what kind of music they enjoy.

    You can ask if they’ve always enjoyed reading or if it’s a newer interest.

    You can ask if they have a favorite bookstore.

    You can ask if they have any favorite theater or music venues in town.

    You can ask if they enjoy getting outside in winter or prefer to stay in.

    You can ask if they like to do a lot for the holidays or keep it more low key. You can ask if they are ready for the holidays.

    You can ask if they like to cook or prefer eating out.

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