How diffrent do you get treated now? How different is ur dating life? sex life? How’s ur mental health?

  1. In highschool I was pretty average/below average. Had 1 girlfriend during highschool which only lasted about half a year, she was my only sexual experience during that time also. Didn’t help that I’m short.

    Now that I’m in college, started lifting, and making more effort in my appearance, my sexual life has been pretty decent. Currently in a committed relationship but haven’t had any issue beforehand finding fwbs, or women to take out on a casual date.

  2. I’ve been in and out of being attractive.

    When I’m in attractive mode, everything just works out with women. They just appear. Crazy sexual situations just happen. People invite me to stuff. People laugh at my jokes and listen to what I have to say.

    When I’m in unattractive mode, nobody even looks me in the eye. People don’t care what I think and don’t really want me around.

    It’s crazy how night and day it is.

    Mentally, I’m about the same other than getting sad from being treated worse. I’m as confident either way.

  3. Seems to be a mental construction of personally perceived beauty that in turn is exuded leading to a superior quality of life especially with the opposite sex. Long story short, glow up ASAP my dude.

  4. I have lost 95 pounds over the past 23 months and become moderately physically fit. My life is completely different now.

    Briefly as possible:I’m in my middle 60’s and retired. I ran half marathons until about 10 years when I injured my leg. I stopped training but I did not stop eating. For the past 8 or so years I burned it down, drinking heavily and over eating. I went from 215 lbs to 245lbs in a few years, and then Covid hit. On January 5th 2022 I weighed 285 lbs. I woke up in extreme pain and couldn’t walk. My spine was compressing because I was fat and pinching nerves to my right leg. Started a diet that day. I used The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferris as my reference. I did no exercise for the first year. My body was broken pretty bad. After a year I started to walk around the neighborhood.

    This morning I weighed 188. These days I typically run 5 miles in an hour 2 -3 times per week and do a high intensity band workout 3 days per week. I’ve been just maintaining my weight/ fitness lately because of holidays and stuff, but I am going to get serious soon. I’m somewhere between 22% and 25% body fat right now and I plan to start a 30 week program to get down to 15% body fat. I have absolute no doubt I will achieve that goal.


    If a fat broken old man like me can do it, so can you. Go get after it.

    Get fit and you be dripping with BDE, but you gotta earn it in sweat.

  5. My dating life sucks , it’s that anger that didn’t want to fade away ,and anyone tells me she or he loves me this is bullshit they only love your statue

  6. I had already met my wife when things started to turn around, so I can’t say much for dating. The big thing was I noticed random people smiling at me when I looked at them, like strangers, or I’d catch people staring sometimes. People are just nicer in general, and ask me for directions which never happened before. It was incremental as I lost weight and started carrying myself more confidently, but the day I got my teeth fixed it was like night and day.

  7. 1. The way I allow others to treat me
    2. Dating is great, I’m working on getting a better work life balance in my career, so I can focus on finding a wife, God-willing
    3. Mental health is a work in progress but positively so

  8. I lost a good amount of weight a few years back. I wasn’t really that big to begin with but slimmed down a lot – maybe lost 10% of my weight.

    Nothing really changed – felt the same, no one treated me any differently.

    But I no longer felt the pang of guilt whenever I’d see myself in a mirror, so that made it worth it.

  9. Mainly get more compliments from dudes and stares from women and 1 stalker. Mental health’s been better than it was and looking in the mirror is more entertaining now. I have an excuse to be introverted at social events too.

  10. I looked like a child till late 20s. After 29 or so I ve been hit on a few times. I m not super good looking or anything maybe just a tiny bit above average in the area that I m in.

    At first it was nice but then I got a few uncomfortable comments like. Like you have nice arms, should take that shirt off. Or I would get grabbed on my arm or butt at a party.

    Dating wise it was nice. Never been on so many dates in my life. But at the same time felt a bit sad that my personality wasn’t seen till my looks were considered first but who m I kidding. I definitely do the same for girls.

    I have a pretty cool gf now. So that’s really just that. Not too much change other than people being a little nicer than before.

  11. When I was in my mid 20s I shaved my head for the first time right after getting a much higher paying job. Shaving my head was apparently a significant improvement in my appearance. The job gave me lots of confidence.

    The first time I went to a dance club after shaving my head was a completely new experience. Two women started a conversation with me at the bar while buying drinks. They introduced my to other women and I spent the night dancing and taking with them. Things like this had almost never happened to me before.

    Over the next few months I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed. I met women that were so attractive I never thought they would even speak to me. I eventually made a large group of friends and met a beautiful lady who became my wife.

  12. First result from a Google search…

    A “glow-up” is a slang term used to describe a significant transformation, typically in physical appearance, that is perceived as an improvement. It’s the process of turning yourself into a better version of yourself and becoming more confident, attractive, and successful.

    Come on guys, it ain’t that hard.

  13. Women are suddenly much more friendly and talkative. Strangers are kinder and more willing to help with random things even though they don’t know me. It’s sad in a way despite being flattering.

  14. 28 y/o male here. In the last couple of years ive lost about 100 pounds. I’m divorced now, dating is going not so great, sex is non-existent, but my mental health is positively improving.

  15. I’m mid way. Something clicked around July and I quit alcohol. I’d already been lifting weights but then I started taking it way more seriously. I went and replaced a good third of my wardrobe with decent smart casual clothes, shirts etc. Started tracking calories. Started getting decent haircuts instead of making my wife do it.

    I’m not your ideal candidate cause I’m a married dude with a kid but… My confidence is already much better. My moobs now look more like an actual chest, sex life was always pretty good I’ve always had high enough testosterone but it’s increased. There are just more of those “let’s f**k” moments (we’re in our mid 30’s btw).

    I put it down to the cascading effect of just changing your attitude/being more disciplined. If you change from going ahhhh I don’t feel like working out today to no way in hell am I missing workout today, then you’re more likely to overcome being tired to make other stuff happen too.

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