My partner has expressed to me multiple times that they would like more compliments on their physical appearance, and I’ve tried to get better at it, but I’m not doing enough to let them know I find her attractive. It might sound really stupid and simple, but words of affirmation isn’t my love language. I’m not doing a good job of meeting their needs, and frankly, I feel embarrassed and guilty for that. Obviously I find her attractive, but I don’t know how to give her compliments without it seeming fake, even though I mean it. It’s really putting a strain on our relationship.

Tldr: Girlfriend wants more compliments from me but I’m bad at words of affirmation

1 comment
  1. I guess you could try taking the time to really observe her beauty more often. Just looking at her and appreciating what she has and just tell her the first thing they comes to your mind. It must come from the heart and since you already find her attractive it won’t be hard for you to pin point what features you actually find beautiful in her.

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