I (26F) was seeing someone (31M) for 6 weeks, we went on a few dates, they were very forward and enthusiastic, texting daily, alluding to future plans/dates, wanting to meet my mom, etc. Afaik we were both only talking to each other at the time. We both hit it off really well, but a couple days after our last date they stopped replying to my texts, and a day after I asked if everything is okay, they said they realized they’re not ready to be a partner, said I did nothing wrong and that I was kind, honest and respectful, and said they’re sorry they can’t do this. It was a pretty short message. I asked if we could stay in contact, said I’m keeping my door open for them if they want to reconnect, and that I really could see myself being serious with them. They haven’t replied.

They got out of an engagement in April they mentioned messed them up badly, and I noticed their apartment seemed kind of barren/not super put together as if they hadn’t adjusted everything after the ex fiancee moved out. Bc of this I want to believe them, but their sudden lack of response after being so communicative scares me. I know I shouldn’t text them again, it’ll probably just make me look pitiful. We never had sex, although we wanted to, they wanted to wait until we were closer. I did go down on them on the last date, which they seemed enthusiastic about, but I don’t think they wanted to just use me. They’ve stayed matched with me on the app we met on, and I can see they’ve been online on it last a checked (a few days ago), and haven’t blocked/removed me on the couple other platforms we were friends on.

I’m trying to move on and if they’re on my mind in a few months maybe I’ll ask how they are then, once I’m healed, but right now feels suffocating being in the dark like this. I’m trying to stay no contact, but I was so blindsided and was catching feelings, this came out of nowhere only a couple days after they invited me on a couple dates that coming week, and a concert a couple more after that. I know speculation is useless, but I guess I’m just hoping for some kind of thoughts/opinions/input on the situation? I’m trying to be positive about it all, but not delusional while allowing myself to keep growing myself.

  1. I think that in the absence of other information, you should take his word that he’s just not ready for a romantic partnership.

    Ending an engagement is a massive thing that I imagine it will take him some time to get through.

    I’m sorry you’re hurting from this ❤️

    Remember to treat yourself kindly.

  2. He’s probably not emotionally available to show up for you in a committed relationship yet… & doesn’t want to hurt you, so he decided to break things off before more feelings developed. He probably still needs to heal from his last breakup. It’s unfortunate, sometimes the timing is off when you meet a good person. You handled it well, don’t get discouraged.

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