We live a couple miles from in-laws. She has never liked me. She wants everything to do with her son. I don’t know why he doesn’t see through it. She will never say Our names together. We have been married over 15 years. She talks to him as if I never existed. She still sees him as a child. It makes no sense to me why she can’t accept the present moment of us with our three kids. We are one .

What is her problem? Thanks for commenting and suggestions.

  1. > What is her problem?

    > She has never liked me. She wants everything to do with her son.
    She still sees him as a child.

    You answered your own question. And unless your husband is willing to stand up for you and your family, nothing is going to change.

  2. I mean it’s hard to tell with the small details you gave. Many people use “you” or “you’ll” as both singular and plural. Not everyone uses y’all

  3. You husband is the problem. He has not cut the apron strings. He has not pointed out to his mother you exist. He has not supported you in this.

  4. She wants control over her son who is 47, and this woman is in her right mind. If I say anything I become “teenage drama queen “ can’t take a joke” or your overthinking, ~my husband response to my concern.

  5. So sorry for you. Too bad your husband doesn’t stand up for you and let her know, that you are the woman of his life, not her, and that she has to move on. I hope you don’t have to interact with her too often.

  6. We had this issue and after she invited only him over to family dinner, my husband had to get very clear that we were a family unit. All of us or none of us. She didn’t like it and still doesn’t love it but tolerates me and the kid and doesn’t cross the line too much anymore

  7. It’s sad because our kids look just like there father and she is still unpleasant to me and our children. Lol and when his sibling comes to town she tells him she only wants to spend time with her “brother”. He really needs to be a man a tell them .

  8. She’s a typical MiL, who doesn’t want her son to give attention to any women except her. But she isn’t the problem. It’s your husband, who needs to set the boundaries and tell her firmly that your family is one unit.

  9. This one’s on your husband. He has let his mom treat you and your family like shit for 15 years. He needs to stand up for you and put her in her place.

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