I’ve (24f) been seeing a new guy (25m) for the past few weeks, I really like him as a person and do find him attractive. But I’m struggling a little as he’s only made me cum twice. With my previous relationships and hook ups over the past few years, there was a strong and fast sexual connection where I was very turned on and multi-orgasmic. This new man is good in bed, I don’t find him as exciting as my ex but he does have plenty of experience. This may be a silly question as I’ve heard people talk about building a sexual connection, but I love losing myself in bed and I’m worried if it doesn’t happen soon I may lose sexual interest. He has expressed concern the last time I stayed at his as he says he finds me a challenge and that it is usually easier for him, but I know in the past I have found it easier with others. He does finish faster than my exes do but he can go for round two pretty quickly which I like. I’m also somewhat kinky sometimes and don’t know when is too soon to ask for these things, I asked him if he is into tying people up and he said yes but that he likes to keep it for a special occasion. I guess I would appreciate any pointers for helping someone learn how to turn you on. I also have been somewhat uninterested in sex because of how toxic it turned in my last relationship, and I wonder if that has impacted things at all. Have you ever been able to build a strong sexual connection with time? A friend recently propositioned me and it turned me on heaps, now I’m worried I may have unwittingly given up my freedom too quickly to avoid hurting this man who I’m not officially with yet. I want to continue seeing him but now he’s reawakened my sex drive I’m ironically finding myself thinking about other people too

1 comment
  1. Issue is your not attracted to him like that. He good at sex yes, but without that mental sexual attraction to him your mind cant get you off like you did with other people. For example, when i was attracted to guys, i would get wet and turned on before they even touched me. It was almost as if i was orgaisming on sight. If that dont happen with this guy he might not be the guy

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