So I (M21) never really dated anyone before, like in my past relationships we just became a relationship. That obviously was a bad idea, so this time around I wanna date the person first. So I I’m talking to this girl and so far we went on 1 date and she seems very interested in me and I am interested in her. We’ve been talking daily and it’s going good. The thing I want advice on is what is too much in dating, like what are things that may be too much for the dating phase?

  1. The more you talk between dates, the less there will be to talk about when you are actually on the dates.

    !) Go on date and have fun. 2) Call her in a couple days, tell her what a great time you had and ask her out for a few days ahead. Save convo for date. 3) Repeat steps 1 & 2.

  2. Hi there, I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with dating. It can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, but know that you’re not alone. Many people face challenges when it comes to dating, and it’s completely normal.
    First and foremost, remember to be confident in yourself. You are a unique and wonderful individual, and anyone would be lucky to date you. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be open to meeting new people.
    Also, communication is key in any relationship. Be honest and open about your feelings and expectations. This will help avoid misunderstandings and build a strong foundation for a successful relationship.
    Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself. Dating takes time and patience, and it’s okay to not find the right person right away. Just enjoy the process and focus on having fun and getting to know someone.
    I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best in your dating journey!

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