Men of Reddit, what is something that used to be cool when you were younger but isn’t anymore?

  1. Cargo pants. Bootcut jeans. Wearing your pants so low that the bottoms were all worn out.

    And for one season, I think like 2005 fedoras were really trendy, just noone wants to admit it.

  2. Honestly? Gay jokes.

    Me. My friends. My mom. My pastor. Late night hosts. Everyone. It was totally okay, except that it wasn’t. It was super fucked up.

  3. Yo Momma jokes were the peek of my childhood.

    Also, the Yo Momma show with Wilmer Valderrama that no one seems to remember anymore.


  4. Wearing a ball cap backwards. I’m in my 40’s and still do it. Ladies think it hurts my feelings when they bust my balls about it. I’m happily married with a kid. Like a give a fuck, middle aged single lady. Kick rocks.

  5. The thrill of dating and the chase. Now being happily married…if something catastrophic happened and I was single, I’d have zero interest in dating…probably end up with another widow having the same “no thanks” outlook that I met at the grocery store.
    I’m in sales so I talk and schmooze for a living, but telling my life story and starting over, oh god no. Once you have the love of your life, any other life seems nauseating.

  6. Bruh, remember when we used to wear those giant baggy jeans? Thought we were the shit. Now I can barely fit in them.

  7. When I was young, people thought smoking was cool. Especially boys.

    Fast forward 20 years and boys started to dislike it, but GIRLS thought it was cool and modern.

    Fast forward another 20 years and most people seem to think it’s not cool.

    Which is fine with me. I never liked it.

  8. Gay jokes.

    I was never homophobic, but when I was in high school early/mid 2000s, It was so common for people to make homophobic jokes, today people would be crucified on the internet for saying half the shit I heard in those days.

  9. Sooo much…

    Prior to ~2003 the whole culture for young men was calling everything gay, calling your buddies f—–t, picking on people, getting into fights, getting girls drunk to take advantage of them, drinking as much as possible, etc. That whole “American Pie” generation was fucked up. Luckily I was a couple years too young to really live through of the worst of it, but I can remember that just being the status quo for older kids when I was like 12 to 14.

  10. 55M here. Playing grabass at parties and pushing myself on women.. So disgusting to think about today.. Even though it was receptive back in those days.. I think back and feel it was sooo … disrespectful even if most of the women were “ok” with that.. no way..not in my today days..

    It just seems so trashy to me now.. looking back the were so many girls I wish I had gotten to know better,.. and know the romance of meeting someone at whatever event and being polite…. Damn. I wish i had done better..?!

    I do remember that,.. college was a drunken mess of sex and making out.. but I sure wish I got know some of those girls better? Not gonna lie it was fun.. but as an old man.. I wish I knew those girls.. their names? And what they thought about things?..

    I will say I am happily married to one of those girls for 30 years.. She .. Graciously.. grabbed me by the ears.. told me to grow up, and she was going to marry me! Thank you “B”!

    BTW… Hookers and cocaine ain’t all it’s made out to be.

    Boys,… Find you a good wife? That’s all I’m going to say.

  11. Having your entire music collection in a zip up 3 ring binder. Extra points if stored in 15+ year old Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.

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