I’m average height and weight but every time I go outside I feel like everybody is huge.

  1. I’m 6’3″ 220lbs yet I feel average sized when I’m out. Statistically I’m taller than most… Perhaps the little people are hiding in their Hobbit holes.

  2. Im 5’7 145

    Of course I know I’m small and I also know I’m below average height when I’m out in public. But am I thinking of that while I’m doing my thing out in public? No, I keep my chin up and just do me.

    Some 6’5 220 pound person can feel smaller than a person who is 5’4 120 pounds in public. Of course from an outer perspective we can definitely see who’s bigger and taller but ultimately the bigger guy might not feel like it.

    All about confidence my friend.

  3. Yes. Idk I think I am average height. but I feel tiny & weak out in public 💀 is it a social anxiety thing fr?

  4. No, I actually feel invisible. Which I’ve come to learn to welcome that feeling. There’s a sense of freedom of not being seen and perceived by other people.

  5. Very interesting question…in public I don’t really notice anyone and I don’t think anyone notices me….

    At work I’m the boss and I feel big……

  6. I thought this meant emotionally, to which my answer is yes in every situation outside of my house and some of the ones in my house.

    Physically, no. I’m 5’7”, 195lbs with baby weight left from my last pregnancy. Not a small girl 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. Yes I do. My brain doesn’t work properly anymore, it feeds me all these lies and insecurities about myself

  8. I’m 5’3, 110lbs, petite pixie cut 42yr old lady and I actually do always feel very tiny when I’m out. However I always sit kinda like a pretzel and need a ton of personal space so I’m just used to seeing people at a distance. When I’m up close to someone it’s when I’m like “woah they are bigger than they look and I feel so small”. Confidence doesn’t have anything to do with it in my instance

  9. I do feel insignificant, so many people look like they have a lot going for them. definitely not physically tho, in my part of nz not many people are even over my shoulders.

  10. I feel small because I am small. I am under 5ft and am often mistaken for a tween as a 30 year old.

  11. I’m 5’1 and 115 pounds so I am smaller than most adults. In terms of feeling small in a metaphorical sense I get that as well

  12. feeling small -> anxiety, people pleasing, submissiveness -> trying to control others reactions to appease them.

    Let go of caring about and controlling peoples reactions and you’ll be much happier

  13. Fuck I mean not just my height man but my social life and my relationship status 😭. Everything is small abt me.

  14. As a man who can’t grow a beard and is only 160 pounds (200 is the average man in America), I’m certain I look like sissy next to other men.

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