Hey guys – throwaway account. My wife (35f) and I (33M) have a fantastic sex life for the most part.

A while ago, she began to have trouble having an orgasm. We ended up speaking to a GP. They recommended that we stop the birth control she was on as there was a suspicion that the inability to orgasm was a side effect.

So we stopped, I got the snip, and sex has gone back to being great. It’s been about a year since she stopped her birth control and she’s having issues again. This time around it’s different – basically she ends up getting way too wet, which then leads to her losing sensation. So we have a short window when we start to get her off as many times as we can. The best way to do this is through simultaneous clitoral and penetrative stimulation. According to her, I have the clitoral part down, but the penetrative part doesn’t always seem to work. She’s not sure why – she doesn’t reckon it’s anything I’m doing. Sometimes fingers work, other times it doesn’t. Other times PiV works, and other times it doesn’t.

Now the thing is – we haven’t used toys much. I suspect this might help, but both of us are unsure on where to begin. So my question is – if the goal is purely penetrative, any thoughts on what kind of toy would be best? She’s also not a fan of vibrators – she finds that unnatural. I’ve also got quite a bit of girth, and I know she enjoys the sensation on the walls, so something that satisfies that would also be helpful. Any thoughts or starting points for us to explore?

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