Where did you meet your significant other?

  1. Coffee Meets Bagel. Somehow, the better matches were on there and occasionally on Bumble (at least here where I live).

  2. I found him online.

    Then I drove down to the spca and adopted him. It’s been true love ever since 🐩

  3. My ex. They were neighbours. We became chatting terms friendly and became closer friends after the ex and I broke up (it was a bad, horribly abusive relationship!). We dated other people, eventually ended up single at the same time a few years later, something suddenly clicked into place, the stars aligned, the earth tilted on its axis and here we are ten years later, still deeply in love. My ex stopping to say hello to his neighbour all those years ago was the nicest thing he ever did for me lol.

  4. At the park. I was laying out enjoying the sun, and he nearly crushed me catching a poorly thrown frisbee. Landed on top of me face to face, but kept all his weight off, barely even touched me. Kinda took my breath away, in the good way, tbh.

  5. Technically at a party at university, but I didn’t even remember his name. We have a shared friendship group which allowed us to get close.

  6. I met him at a party last year. I was introduced to him via mutual friends and we ended up dancing together the whole night. He asked me out and here we are living together one year later.

  7. At an author reading. 5 years later, when tidying up to prep for our 2nd child’s birth, I found the poster announcing the talk. I framed it and gave it to him for Valentine’s Day

  8. Tinder lol. I got real lucky though, that app was a nightmare before I met my SO!

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