Maybe they just needed reassurance, or something. Would you shy away from actually telling them the things you like, or would you just think of it, and tell em right away? Somebody might think they, “why would they ask that”, or “why they gotta tell em, what they like”, and it just may make some people feel uneasy.

  1. As a matter of principle, I do my best to tell people directly the things I like about them everyday. Sometimes it’s awkward for both of us, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be that person that doesn’t let people know that I care about them.

  2. No, I think everyone needs a little external validation now and then. It would only bother me if they relied on me for a steady supply of it without reciprocating.

  3. Not at all. I know all too well how crippling a lack of validation can be, so I’m happy to offer some if it helps alleviate any despair.

  4. if my guy friends asked me that – yes

    if my lady friends asked me – …on second thought, yes

    lmao I guess thats why Im on this sub I guess 💀💀

  5. Yeah I’d find it hard honestly, I don’t make lists in my head, I just enjoy a persons energy.

  6. No. If you geniunely love your friends its easy. Intelligence, kindness, honesty, sincerity

  7. Yes. Yes.
    Please— I thrive off of this kind of warm honesty.

    Though I probably couldn’t express what I like / love about people without providing a bit of descriptive contrast… it would (hopefully) develop into a really fun discussion touching on “perceptions on others” vs. “self perceptions”.

  8. I’d probably feel put in the spot and might not be able to come up with the right things off the top of my head, and then I might feel uncomfortable and guilty.

  9. Why hide sharing the things you enjoy about your friends? Are you just the to contribute to the negative and not appreciate them? Or do you think you’d be mocked for opening

  10. Never. Why would that be uncomfortable? Don’t you ever wonder about things about yourself and wouldn’t it be nice if someone confirmed what you thought or told you things you didn’t even know stood out to t

    I love telling people good things about themselves. More people should focus on positive things like this instead of all the bad things or the wrong things we’re doing.

  11. Depends. Usually, yes, but not for the reasons you think. I’m a pretty logical person, and I suck with empathy and emotion (half the time I don’t even know if I’m happy or sad lmao), and with that comes difficulties defining why I like some people.

  12. No, as you should be able to name them….otherwise, it’s perfectly reasonable for one party to reevaluate that friendship.

  13. I think it might be a bit weird/awkward because I, like many others, don’t make lists in my head. But I understand needing some external validation and it wouldn’t be a big deal for me.

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